Releases: WXRIW/Lyricify-App
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
Lyricify 4.1 强势来袭!
注意:请下载 -fix 版!
- x64 和 ARM64 原生支持,不会再出现渲染线程崩溃的问题了。
- Lyricify 智能引擎加持,切歌体验提升显著。
- 增加歌词预加载功能,在优化切歌的同时,歌词也能秒加载。
Change Log:
- [Add] Brand new Lyricify 4.1 with native x86_64 and ARM64 support.
- [Add] New Chinese Converter with better accuracy and performance.
- [Fix] Use Mutex for Single Instance.
- [Add] Install PingFang by Lyricify instead of PingFangInstaller.
- [Fix] Lyricify cannot be closed completely.
- [Add] Playback Update Optimization (for 429 error).
- [Add] Lyrics Preload.
- [Add] More optimization for Playback Update (with relinked track support) and Lyrics Preload.
- [Add] Brand-new QRC decryption.
我应该下载哪个文件呢 / Which file should I download
我们建议所有用户下载 Lyricify Setup (.exe)
,而非 Lyricify (.7z)
(如果你遇到了安装问题,建议尝试 Lyricify (.7z)
)。不要下载 update-pack
或 full-pack
We suggest all users to download Lyricify Setup (.exe)
, rather than Lyricify (.7z)
(If you are having issues with installation process, we suggest you to try Lyricify (.7z)
). Do not download update-pack
or full-pack
, because it's for auto update use.
文件名中的 x86
, x64
, arm64
对应了不同架构。目前大多数设备都是 x64
其中,扩展名为 .exe
初次使用 Lyricify 4 应了解 / Things you need to know if you are new to Lyricify 4
进入主界面的时候,如果当前没有正在播放的歌曲,请不要尝试点击播放按钮,因为这是没有作用的!!!Lyricify 是歌词软件,不是播放器,不在 Spotify 播放音乐怎么会显示歌词呢?
You have to play songs on Spotify, so Lyricify can show lyrics for you. Do not try to press play button in Lyricify cause it won't work!
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
这次更新同时也起到 Lyricify 4.0 到 Lyricify 4.1 自动更新的桥梁作用,请旧版本用户尽快更新到此版本!
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
- 优化 Media Session 体验。
- 修复桌面歌词的一些问题。
- 在 Lyricify 全屏中添加“喜爱”按钮。
- 多处细节优化,提升使用体验。
- 修复 PingFang Installer 在部分设备上无法运行的问题。
- 添加 .NET 6 Installer,为 Lyricify 4.1 的到来做好衔接。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Optimize track hearted check's displaying issue.
- [Add] Shadow under snackbar.
- [Add] Color reaction on highlight lines in MainWindow's lyrics lines.
- [Add] Support Lyricify Account type "Translator".
- [Fix] Optimize animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Something with Media Session.
- [Fix] Translation line not appearing when Duo-line mode turned off in Desktop Lyrics.
- [Fix] Optimize Dynamic Lyrics Island line switching time.
- [Fix] Optimize Fade In and Fade Out animation on Dynamic Lyrics Island.
- [Add] Heart Button in Lyricify Fullscreen.
- [Fix] Apple Syllable deserialization (Credits info).
- [Fix] Better zh-TW experience in Lyricify.
- [Fix] PingFang Installer not working on some device (.NET 6 Desktop Runtime not installed).
- [Add] .NET 6 Desktop Runtime Installer (for auto update to Lyricify 4.1).
我们建议所有用户下载 Lyricify Setup (.exe)
,而非 Lyricify (.7z)
(如果你遇到了安装问题,建议尝试 Lyricify (.7z)
)。不要下载 update-pack
或 full-pack
We suggest all users to download Lyricify Setup (.exe)
, rather than Lyricify (.7z)
(If you are having issues with installation process, we suggest you to try Lyricify (.7z)
). Do not download update-pack
or full-pack
, because it's for auto update use.
初次使用 Lyricify 4 应了解 / Things you need to know if you are new to Lyricify 4
进入主界面的时候,如果当前没有正在播放的歌曲,请不要尝试点击播放按钮,因为这是没有作用的!!!Lyricify 是歌词软件,不是播放器,不在 Spotify 播放音乐怎么会显示歌词呢?
You have to play songs on Spotify, so Lyricify can show lyrics for you. Do not try to press play button in Lyricify cause it won't work!
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
- 优化 Media Session 体验。
- 自动检测并补充 PingFang SC 字体。
- 支持一键导入酷狗音乐歌词。
- 多处细节优化,提升使用体验。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Improve stability.
- [Fix] Some bugs with Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Add] Message for Token expired at Spotify lyrics import.
- [Fix] Optimize animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Word-by-word lyrics display in MainWindow.
- [Change] Remove Lyricify 3 Lyrics Vault support.
- [Fix] Writers info at auto searched lyrics.
- [Fix] Improve Media Session playback state at track switching.
- [Fix] Icon color in Sharing Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Kugou lyrics import (auto search).
- [Add] Optimize line-click seeking for device latency.
- [Add] Auto install PingFang SC at loading.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
本版本支持新增的 Lyricify Syllable 歌词格式,建议所有用户更新,旧版本无法正常使用本格式的歌词!
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
- 修复灵动词岛。
- 添加全新歌词格式 Lyricify Syllable 支持。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Optimize animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Dynamic Lyrics Island not showing lyrics when track starts playing after opening.
- [Fix] Remove TaskbarIcon's ToolTipText temporarily.
- [Fix] Snackbar message on removing from Liked Songs.
- [Fix] Title Lines editor uncheck issue in Track Management.
- [Add] Lyricify Syllable support.
- [Fix] Some issues with QRC deserialization.
- [Add] Lyrics type detection in Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Fix] Improve Apple Music Lyrics stability.
Lyricify Mobile v1.2.3-beta
- 提高 LRC 反序列化容错能力。
Change Log:
- [Fix] LRC deserialization issue.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
今天是国际妇女节,Lyricify 向全国各族各界妇女,向香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区的女同胞、海外女侨胞,致以节日的祝贺和美好的祝福。
Happy Women's Day 2023 to all women in the world.
- 歌词处理优化。
- 支持保存专辑图片。
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Endtime issues with non-standard LRC deserialization.
- [Fix] Optimize Traditional Chinese conversion in Spotify lyrics import.
- [Add] Spotify API Waiting Bar for Search page.
- [Add] Button feedback for lyrics import.
- [Fix] Update explicit defination.
- [Add] Clipboard translation auto fill in Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Fix] Lyrics deserialization.
- [Fix] HTML Special Characters in playlist description.
- [Add] Check Apple Syllable at lyrics import.
- [Add] Save album artwork.
- [Fix] Optimize animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 优化稳定性,提升使用体验。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation easing in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Update explicit defination.
- [Add] Spotify API Waiting Bar.
- [Fix] An exception causing crashes (On translation update).
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 主窗口歌词支持多行高亮。
- Spotify 歌词一键导入。
- 支持检查“已点赞的歌曲”的可用性。
- 艺人页添加“市场”选项。
- 优化 Spotify API 429 错误的处理。
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词界面 CJK 歌词的卡顿问题。
Change Log:
- [Add] Support multiple-line highlight in MainWindow.
- [Fix] Right size lyrics Karaoke progress in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Spotify lyrics import.
- [Add] Liked Songs availability check.
- [Fix] Disable DragMove in Byland Mode.
- [Fix] Improve Spotify API 429 Error handling.
- [Add] Market option in Artist page.
- [Fix] Improve login experience (not web auth).
- [Fix] Issues with Zooming restore in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Use system PingFang font if possible.
- [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation easing in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Progress bar for 429 error retry timer.
Lyricify Mobile v1.2.2-beta
- 修复部分 Bug。
- 优化 Spotify API 429 错误处理。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Lyrics process for multiple-line highlight.
- [Fix] Local track's auto lyrics searching.
- [Fix] Improve Spotify API 429 Error handling.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 庆祝 Lyricify 4 发布一个月。
- 细节优化,体验提升,快去更新!
Change Log:
- [Fix] Explicit content process.
- [Add] Snackbar message at lyrics copy.
- [Fix] Optimize Audio Features page's local track support.
- [Fix] Track name issue after track relinking in Apple Music Lyrics, Lyricify Fullscreen and Desktop Lyrics.
- [Add] Timestamp detection in Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Fix] Details in Apple Music Lyrics Karaoke mode (refer to iOS 16.3 Release and iOS 16.4 Public Beta).
- [Fix] Pulling Effect issue with Breathing Dots.
- [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation easing in Apple Music Lyrics.
Lyricify Mobile v1.2.1-beta
- 更好的 Lyricify 4 服务器支持。
- 支持多行高亮。
- 支持尾部标题行去除。
- 支持本地文件。
Change Log:
- [Add] Better integration with Lyricify 4 Server.
- [Add] Multiple-line highlight support.
- [Add] Ending Lines support.
- [Add] Local tracks support.
- [Fix] Remove relying on Lyricify Server for QQ Music lyrics.
- [Add] Instrumental message for instrumental tracks.