- This project based on Qt and opencv.
- This project only tested on Xiaomi4 phone and the screenshot size is 1920*1080.
This game is very hot and I try my best to make a tool with the help of other's idea, but it's still hard for me to do this.
Now I finished basic funciton such as fix parameters and manual distance measurement function. The relation between distance and key press time is complex, the image resolution may have some influence on it. I will optimize it when I'm free.
- 2018.02.17: 1136 Image
- 2018.02.17: 884
- 2018.02.12: 511
- 2018.02.08: 439
- 2018.02.07: 307
- Turn on USB debugging and allow simulating input via USB debugging.
- Connect to PC, open this program and make sure the Adb status is Find: XXXX(Your device name).
- Open the Jump Game, click Get Screenshot (shortcut key G) and mark the point in screenshot, fix jump parameter, click Jump (shortcut key J).
- Get the screenshot manually when the game screen is stable, mark the point and jump.
- 打开手机USB调试并允许通过USB调试修改权限或模拟点击。
- 连接电脑,打开程序并确定Adb状态为Find: XXXX(设备名称)。
- 打开游戏界面,手动Get Screenshot(快捷键G)和在图上标点,调整弹跳系数,点击Jump(快捷键J)。
- 稳定后再手动获取截图标点弹跳。
Click Fix Parameter and adjust the current correction parameter when get the next jump image.
(ATTATION: The screen pressing time = distanct * (basic parameter + correction parameter))
打开 Fix Parameters ,当完成该次跳跃后获取到下一次跳跃的图像后,可调整该次的修正跳跃参数。
(注:按压屏幕时间 = 距离*(基础参数+修正参数))
- 2018.03.14:
Merged dev branch to master branch, finished all function I want, added adjust the correction parameters and save the correction parameters function.
- 2018.03.03 dev branch:
Updated the binaryzation algorithm in the JumpJump class (getBinaryImage), transformed image RGB color space into HSV color space to improve stability. Fixed some threshold parameters.
- 2018.03.02:
Added cheat mode and added a flexible parameter to fix the jump parameter.
- 2018.03.01:
Separated adb part to a controller and fixed a bug in JumpJump class.
- 2018.02.12:
Improved locating the block corners and the block center function. This method is more radical and more accurate than the last version, but may lead to bigger error in some extreme case. (
改进了检测角点和确定中心点的函数,改进后的方法更为激进,对圆台类块中心定位更加准确,但对其他个别情况会造成较大误差。 (
- 2018.02.09:
updated JumpJump::getBlockCenterPos and fixed crash bug when click Start(S) or Stop(S) pushbutton too frequent.
- 2018.02.08:
Fixed bug in locating block when the distance between man and block is too close.
- 2018.02.05:
Finished Auto Jump function, but it performed bad. The ui was not designed.
- 2018.02.04:
Added detect target block corners function and fixed the problem in locating the man in the last version.
- 2018.01.13:
Finished rewriting this. And now it can locate the position of man, but the position is not always right. This version is more accurate than the last one at least.
- 2018.01.09:
Set ImageWidget
and mat_qimage_convert
to submodule.
将 ImageWidget
和 mat_qimage_convert
- 2018.01.07:
Optimized get screenshot function. Now it only needs one adb command instead of two adb commands to get screenshot. It uses adb shell screencap -p
to get PNG image stdout and then catch the stdout, convert the binary data to QImage or Mat. It will not create image files in the phone or the PC disk (maybe create image files in the phone, but I can't find it), reduce I/O operation. And now it will takes 900ms to get screenshot in the PC memory, the last version will take 2000ms.
优化了获取手机截图的方式,由原来的执行两条Adb命令(截图到手机和从手机获取图片到本地磁盘),改为只执行一条Adb命令,获取adb shell screencap -p 命令的stdout输出,转化为QImage或Mat,不再本地磁盘生成图片文件,减少I/O。获取同样的截屏,由原来的2000ms左右减少到900ms左右。
- 2018.01.05 #2:
Used Adb to control the phone, the screenshot was obtained by the third-party software, because the screenshot from Adb is original image (5.8Mb). Fixed bugs when get the window title.
- 2018.01.05 #1:
It's not a good idea to control and get screen image by the third-party software, I should use Adb to do that. Rewriting...
- 2018.01.04 #2:
Rewrote get window handle funciton and now you can get the window handle and name by moving your mouse to point the window.
- 2018.01.04 #1:
Prepare to rebuild. The way to get HWND is too stupid.
- 2018.01.03:
Finished basic function.(Just add distance measurement function in ImageWidget class)