A Visual Studio (VS) 2019 C++ implementation of Hypothetical Polarization Camera is the code of our manuscript "Limitation of Rayleigh Sky Model for Bio-inspired Polarized Skylight Navigation in Three-dimensional Attitude Determination" by Huaju Liang, Hongyang Bai, Ning Liu and Kai Shen. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-3190/ab7ab7
Capture polarization images
Draw polarization images
Install Visual Studio 2019 and Matlab R2016b.
Open project "HypotheticalPolarizationCamera" with Visual Studio 2019. Using the code to call the functions "CameraParametersInit()" and "CameraSimulation()".
Step 1: Initialize the hypothetical polarization camera parameters.
CameraParameters * Camera_paremeters;//Record camera parameters
double Camera_D_x = 5.2;//Unit cell size of CCD or COMS (unit is micrometer)
double Camera_D_z = 5.2;//Unit cell size of CCD or COMS (unit is micrometer)
int Camera_n_x = 1024;//Image pixel size (unit is pixel)
int Camera_n_z = 1280;//Image pixel size (unit is pixel)
double Camera_f = 4.0;//Focus of the camera (unit is millimeter)
int Camera_PixelInterval = 1;//Convenient for debugging. Its value is 1 for practical application.
//call the function "CameraParametersInit()" to initialize the camera parameters.
CameraParameters = CameraParametersInit(
Step 2: Hypothetical polarization camera simulation.
//Three Euler angles of camera (from body to solar vector coordinate system)
double psa = 78.9;//yaw angle (unit is degree)
double afa = -65.2;//pitch angle (unit is degree)
double beta = 278.3;//roll angle (unit is degree)
//Call the function "CameraSimulation()" to simulate polarization camera.
After running the project, the polarization image information is saved to "./output/HypotheticalImages.txt"
Place the "ImageDarwing.m" file in the "./output" folder of the "HypotheticalPolarizationCamera" program. Then, run "ImageDarwing.m" with MATLAB R2016b after running the "HypotheticalPolarizationCamera" program. Above all, "DOP.png" and "AOP.png" can be obtained.