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Linux/Mac users: Make sure you have the dependencies installed,that are mentiond in the esp-idf install guide. You dont need to manually install esp-idf, just its dependencies.

For detailed instructions see Setting Up a Development Environment chapter of The Rust on ESP Book.

Install Rust (with rustup)

If you don't have rustup installed yet, follow the instructions on the site

Install Cargo Sub-Commands

cargo install cargo-generate
cargo install ldproxy
cargo install espup
cargo install espflash
cargo install cargo-espflash # Optional


If you are running macOS or Linux then libuv must also be installed for espflash and cargo-espflash; this is available via most popular package managers. If you are running Windows you can ignore this step.

# macOS
brew install libuv
# Debian/Ubuntu/etc.
apt-get install libuv-dev

Also, the espflash and cargo-espflash commands shown below, assume that version 2.0 or greater.

Copy project

git clone
cd <your-path-to-copied-project>

SSID setup


in main you need to change SSID and PASS to acsess esp32 board operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, so we connect to the 2.4 GHz network accordingly

So in "src/" change:

ssid: "YOUR_SSID"
password: "YOUR_PASS"


cargo build


connect to your esp32

In the root of the project:

cargo espflash flash --release --monitor
  • The --monitor argument for the espflash command to open a serial monitor after flashing the device.
  • For more details on espflash usage see the README

Additional information

For more information, check out: