⏬Queen NITHYA⏬
Visit our official website to install the Whatsapp Bot : QR Code generator and full instructions available there.
- Get SESSION-ID by scanning QR code.
Whatapp>Three dots>Linked Devices
- Click FORK
NITHYA whatsapp bot is,
NITHYA whatsapp bot is an easy to use whatsapp robot. | NITHYA whatsapp bot යනු ඔබට පහසුවෙන් බාවිතකර හැකි whatsapp robo වරයෙකි.
RUN* Doesn't work, paste these commands in repl shell
npm i pm2 -g && pm2 start lib/client.js
Copy the JSON down and paste in repl then fill the vars
"SESSION_ID": "ID-Here",
"OWNER_NUMBER": "91xxxxxxxxxx",
"OPENAI_API_KEY": "null",
"MONGODB_URI": "mongodb+srv://sam:[email protected]/?retryWrites=true&w=majority",
"PACK_INFO": "Sam;Pandey",
"PREFIX": "."