An example of C# projects solution for Web Rest API using EF technology
- Need to open the .solution with administrative power in order to run successfully
- Modify the connection string in web.config of WebAPI project to the correct sql database instance name on your machine
- Execute the SQL Script file in folder 'DatabaseScripts' inside the solution folder to setup the database and stored procedure
- Recommended browser for testing with swagger is chrome (the response is not correctly displayed in Microsoft edge of Windows 10)
- Run the WebAPI project locally or deploy it to web server
- Then go to its url appending with 'swagger' (Example -> localhost:61766/swagger) or
- method: POST
- url: /CreditCard/Validate
- body :
"Number": "4123-4567-8012-3456",
"ExpiryDate": "2018-07-18T16:30:11.830Z"