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Demon Will
Demon Will is one of the first things you can create with Blood Magic. Once you have gathered some with a Soul Snare, you will be able to craft a Petty Tartaric Gem and a Sentient Sword.
From the functional to the deadly, Demon Will unlocks a lot of powerful tools for the budding Sanguimancer.
Mining and foresting is all well and good for those who refuse to dream big, but what self-respecting sanguimancer would ever stoop to that?
With this in mind, you have devised some devious little devices. Simply throw them at some pesky trees, rocks, or whatever else you wish to cease to be and wait for them to self-ignite.
Not only that, you can improve their functionality by Anointing them with certain ingredients and a little Will, as described after each entry.
The currently available anointments are as follows:
- Fortunate - broken blocks are affected by Fortune I.
- Heated Tool - Broken blocks are Smelted.
- Soft Touch - Broken blocks are affected by Silk Touch.
- Voiding - 'Junk' blocks are voided rather than dropping as items.
The Shaped Charge will destroy a 5x5x5 cube facing whichever side of a block it lands on, dropping all blocks as though mined with a pickaxe. It even works on Obsidian, and provides a most satisfying KABOOM whilst doing so.
The Augmented Shaped Charge is a direct upgrade from the standard Shaped Charge. It will destroy a 7x7x7 cube facing whichever side of a block it lands on, dropping all blocks as though mined with a pickaxe. It can also be anointed with Fortune II.
The Tunnelling Shaped Charge$() will destroy a 5x5x20 tunnel facing whichever side of a block it lands on, dropping all blocks as though mined with a pickaxe. Good for mining.
The Deforester Charge is for felling trees. It can be used on logs or leaves, and will fell all but the mightiest of trees, breaking up to two stacks of logs at a time (and neatly stripping away any leaves it encounters in the process!) Even the giant trees of the Jungle will fall in a matter of seconds.
The Deforester Charge II, much like the standard Deforester Charge, is for breaking wood and trees. It can break up to 8x64 logs, clearing away any connecting leaves. Excellent for making yourself a nice clearing in any Dark Oak Forest or Jungle you might happen to like the look of.
The Controlled Charge only destroys blocks identical to the block it lands on. It will destroy up to three stacks of blocks, seeking out from the original point. As with other charges, all mined blocks will be dropped.
The Controlled Charge II behaves identically to the Controlled Charge, however It will destroy up to 8 stacks of blocks at a time.
The Fungal Charge is for felling giant mushrooms, both in the Overworld and the Nether. Although doubtful that you will ever reach this in a single charge, it can break up to three stacks of blocks.
The Fungal Charge II is for felling giant mushrooms, both in the Overworld and the Nether. It can destroy up to 8 stacks of mushroomy goodness per charge.
Why would you ever need this?
The Sentient Sword is a much more effective tool for collecting Demon Will than Soul Snares could ever hope to be. It may seem weak at first, but it is powered by the Wills you carry, so crafting a Tartaric Gem is a must.
Note that the sword, as with all Sentient Tools, can be repaired with Crystallized Will in an Anvil.
This sword will serve you well.
Note that you can update the sword's stats by right clicking when you have it equipped - if you have recently acquired a large amount of Will, or perhaps are trying out a new Aspect of Will for the first time, then this may be a good idea."
The Sentient Sword has proven to be a resounding success. You find yourself wondering how other tools may react to a similar treatment...
Note that these tools, as with the Sentient Sword, can be repaired with Crystallized Will in an Anvil.
Did we mention that Sentient Tools and Weapons are all highly enchantable?
This pickaxe improves with Will, cutting through stone with ease. With no Will to power it, it is only slightly better than the Iron Pickaxe it was crafted from; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it surpassing even a Netherite Pickaxe.
The Sentient Scythe is a slightly different tool to its iron counterpart. Infusing it with Will has transmuted it into a fearsome weapon. While slow and not as powerful as the other weapons, it’s great swings will deal full damage to all enemies in its range, making it an excellent choice for crowd control.
As with the pickaxe, with no Will to power your scythe, it is comparatively blunt and unwieldy; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it becoming a devastating tool.
Did we mention that it still functions as a hoe?
Much like the Sentient Pickaxe, the Sentient Axe is a noticeable improvement over its Iron counterpart. Additionally, it gets a significant buff in its damage output, making it a fearsome weapon for those who don't mind its unwieldy nature.
As with the pickaxe, with no Will to power your axe, it is only slightly better than the Iron Axe it was crafted from; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it surpassing even a Netherite Axe.
Much like the Sentient Pickaxe, the Sentient Shovel is a noticeable improvement over its Iron counterpart, even without additional Demon Will to power it.
As with the pickaxe, with no Will to power your shovel, it is only slightly better than the Iron shovel it was crafted from; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it surpassing even a Netherite Shovel.
Bows and Crossbows are fine enough in their way, but sifting through Gravel for Flint and plucking chickens for their Feathers is, frankly, beneath you. These shiny (and extremely sharp) Throwing Daggers also have some quite devious effects, if you do say so yourself.
The Iron Throwing Dagger is a fast-hitting attack, dealing 10 damage with a decent cooldown. Not only that, but if you have some Demon Will on you (be it in its raw form, or stored within a Tartaric Gem, it will drop Will as a Sentient Sword would.
The Syringe Throwing Dagger is for the Sanguimancer more interested in the acquisition of Life Essence than Will. While it deals slightly less damage, it is noticeably cheaper, and enemies killed by this weapon have a chance of dropping a Slate Ampoule - or more, if they're hearty enough.
These delightful little vials can be crushed when near a Blood Altar in order to transfer 500 LP into it, destroying the Ampoule in the process. These gains are unaffected by any Runes you may have.
The Amethyst Throwing Dagger does as much damage as an Iron Throwing Dagger, but mobs do not drop Will when killed. Instead, eight of them can be crafted with a Lingering Alchemy Flask in the Alchemical Reaction Chamber to create Tipped Amethyst Throwing Daggers.
These will transmit their effect to any mob they hit, the same as if they'd walked into the cloud left by a Lingering Alchemy Flask. Experiment with combined effects to find the most debilitating, diabolical daggers you can make!
Who needs hoppers? Blood magic has a versatile and flexible item routing network, with a variety of filters to sort every need.
The Composite Item Filter does nothing on its own, but when combined with another type of Filter, it allows you to apply that filter's rules to it. This means you can, for example, use the Enchantment Filter's 'Any Enchantments' and the Tag Filter's 'forge:swords' to only allow enchanted swords to pass through.
Similarly to the Standard Item Filter, it has a quantity selector and an allow/deny function. Leaving the quantity blank defaults to 'all'. Other buttons will appear on the GUI as you combine it with other filters.
The Enchantments Item Filter lets you sort items via any Enchantments that they may (or may not) have. It operates similarly to the Standard Item Filter, particularly with regards to the quantity and allow/deny functions, but with a few extra buttons.
Any enchanted book will work for this recipe.
Note the two new buttons to the right of the 'Allow' button.
The first button allows you to select whether to match Every Enchantment on an enchanted item, Any Enchantment, or one particular enchantment. The second button allows you to specify whether to pay attention to the level or not. (E.G. 'Protection III' versus 'Protection').
If you insert an unenchanted item into the filter, you can effectively Allow or Deny any sort of enchantment to be inserted into or removed from the specified inventory.
Filter Parts are an integral component in all Filters. They have no use on their own.
The Mod Item Filter lets you select up to 9 items from different mods. Similarly to the Standard Item Filter, it has a quantity selector and an allow/deny function. Leaving the quantity blank defaults to 'all'.
For each item that you put into this filter, any item from the same mod will be matched.
This allows you to deny/permit entire swathes of items. Handy for sorting all of your Blood Magic items into their own super-special chest, to name an example at random.
The Node Router is used to link Nodes together into a Network. Its functionality is straightforward - Simply sneak-right-click while aiming at a node, then do the same to another node within 16 blocks. These two nodes are now linked. If you want to de-select a node, right-click on any other block. See the entry on Routing Nodes for more information.
A slightly magical stick.
Hauling items around by hand may be all right for some people, but we are a Sanguimancer. What's more, we have access to Demon Will! Surely there's a better way to go about things.
As such, you've managed to come up with Routing Nodes. These offer a powerful way to transport, sort, and filter items, sending them magically through the air as you decree.
Routing Node Networks have three main components: Input Nodes, Output Nodes, and the Master Routing Node.
Every network requires exactly one Master Routing Node, and every other Node in the network must be able to trace a route back to the Master, whether directly, or via other Nodes.
Input and Output nodes can withdraw or insert items from any block with an accessible inventory, respectively.
The Master Node will be able to accept upgrades in the future, but for now it only serves to control and direct the network, acting as its 'Brain'.
A Master Routing Node is all well and good, but without the other two node types, it's not particularly useful on its own, so let's get on to those next.
_Input Routing Nodes _draw items into the network, Output Routing Nodes export them out again, and plain old Routing Nodes serve to extend the reach of your network. As Input and Output nodes are currently otherwise identical, we will be focusing on the Input Routing Node unless otherwise specified.
Doesn't do a whole lot on its own, but can be used to extend Routing Networks beyond the 16-block reach of a single connection.
When you place an Input or Output Node down, it will automatically connect to all adjacent inventories, but it won't do anything without a Filter of some kind in at least one of its side's slots. For example, you could use a Standard Item Filter set to _Iron Ore _on top of a Furnace, a second Output Node with a Filter set to coal on the side of the furnace, and an Input Node underneath set to Iron Ingots.
An Output Node in-world.
Once we've got our nodes set up, let's open up the Node GUI.
Over on the right, we have our cardinal directions - Down, Up, North, South, West, and East. You'll notice that a little picture of a block appears on some buttons, representing what's on that side of the node. The GUI will open up on a side facing an attached inventory, or Down if no inventory is present. The buttons themselves follow the direction the player is facing, so the top button is 'forwards', the left button is 'left', etcetera.
Over on the left, you'll see a space for us to insert a Filter for the selected side, and a Priority. bigger numbers = more important.
Nodes can have one filter per side - so we'll select the side we want, and put our filter in it. (For more information on Filters, see 'A Primer On Filters')
Once your Input and Output Nodes have been set up, have been linked together with the help of a Node Router in a network that includes exactly one Master Routing Node, and both have item filters inserted to the correct sides, you should be good to go! Items will be routed according to the priorities and the rules contained within your filters.
Nodes do not have to be linked directly to the Master Routing Node, merely to any node on the network.
The Standard Item Filter lets you select up to 9 items to withdraw from, or insert into, the adjacent inventory when inserted into a Routing Node.
Each item has a quantity - leaving this blank will default to 'all'.
The Filter also has an Allow and Deny function. In Deny mode, quantities are ignored.
When used in an Input Routing Node, the quantity tells the node how many of that item to leave in the selected inventory. Anything above this amount will be imported into the network.
When used in an Output Routing Node, the quantity tells the node how many of that item to fill in the selected inventory with. Anything above this amount will be left in the network - either passed into another valid inventory, or left where it is if no valid inventory exists.
The GUI and the mouseover text of a configured filter.
The T_ag Item Filter_ lets you select up to 9 items and filter by their associated Tags. Similarly to the Standard Item Filter, it has a quantity selector and an allow/deny function. Leaving the quantity blank defaults to 'all'.
For each item that you put into this filter, you can select whether to match items based on one specific tag, or any of its tags.
This allows you to deny/permit categories of items, so you can specify that all items with the tag forge:ores get sent to your furnace, for example.
The GUI and the mouseover text of a configured filter.
Currently, only one Upgrade is available for the Routing Network.
The Basic Routing Logic Upgrade increases the total amount of items transferred per operation. (once per second, currently). By default, the network will transfer 16 items at a time, but each of these will raise that cap by 8.
These upgrades stack to 16, allowing for a sum total of 144 items to be transferred per second. Note that this can be split over multiple stacks, if many different items need to be transferred at once.
Minimum: 400 will
Drained: 50 will
Demonic will is strange stuff. Untapped, it seems to coalesce around entities, but it can be tapped, harnessed, and controlled. This chapter lays out the underlying concepts and advanced techniques for Demon Will manipulation.
Soul Snares are your gateway into the Demon Will portion of Blood Magic.
Using the Snare is simple enough - craft a good quantity of them and throw them at hostile mobs. White particle effects will appear around them; then it's time to go in for the kill. On death, they will drop a chunk of Demon Will. Before you ask, yes, the Looting enchantment will increase the amount of Will dropped. Once you've gathered a couple, you can get to work on crafting yourself a Sentient Sword and a Tartaric Gem - these will make collecting Demon Will much easier.
A skeleton with white particles after being hit by a snare.
Unleashing Demon Will into the atmosphere was definitely an excellent idea. Not only has it proven most useful in empowering Rituals, you have also successfully condensed it into a Crystal Cluster, and are wondering what to turn your eye to next.
These_Crystals_ feel somehow... conflicted, to you. A certain
Ritual may help coax them out into purer forms...
Resonance of the Faceted Crystal ritual in action._
Now we have Crystallized Will in four spicy new flavours! on the Water Rune we have Steadfast Will, on the Air Rune we get Destructive Will, on the Fire Rune comes Vengeful Will and on the Earth Rune we find Corrosive Will.
These various new types of Will can be burned in the Demon Crucible just like Raw Will, and from there can be fed into various Rituals to great and fascinating effect.
They also change how your Sentient Tools behave, making them more powerful.
- Raw Will: Increases damage and attack speed.
- Corrosive Will: Attacks have a chance to apply poison or wither to your foes, otherwise same as Raw.
- Vengeful Will: increases damage, but not as much as Raw. Increases attack speed more than any other type. Gives a movement speed buff that increases with higher amounts of Will.
- Steadfast Will: Increases damage (but not as much as Raw) and grants Absorption after a kill.
- Destructive Will: Increases damage more than any other will type, but increases attack speed more slowly than any other type. Top Tier is still faster than an unempowered tool / equivalent iron tool, but slower than any other will type."
You may be wondering: "How on earth do I get this will into a usable form?" Well, the answer is simple. Just place an EMPTY Tartaric Gem into a Hellfire Forge in the same chunk as a Demon Crucible, then feed the Demon Crucible with Will Crystals of the desired aspect. Your Tartaric Gem will fill with that aspect of will. You can change which kind of will your Sentient Tools use by right-clicking while holding them.
Note that your Sentient Tools will take on the aspect of the largest amount of Will in your inventory. If you're carrying 10 Corrosive Will in one Tartaric Gem, and 1,000 Raw Will in another, then your sword will remain Raw.
As we have established, Demonic Will coalesces around certain creatures and propels them with malevolent force. However, this is not the only place that Will can exist. By burning Will in a Demon Crucible, it is possible to unleash the will into the Aura, to great and fascinating effect.
Put a charged Tartaric Gem or any aspect of Demon Will or Demon Crystal into it and let it run. Crystals will be consumed once the chunk's Will dips below 50, wheras Demon Will (in item form or from the Tartaric Gem) will be consumed a bit at a time, as needed.
The Demon Crucible, with a Tartaric Gem inside it.
Now we have Raw Will in the atmosphere. Great, now what?
Some Rituals benefit from Raw Will, but the main benefit from this is the ability to create refined Demon Will Crystals and from there,
split them into their Aspects.
Once you have some of these Aspected Will Crystals, you can burn them once more in the Crucible to unleash them into the Aura for your rituals to benefit from.
It's important to mention that the Aura is chunk-based. That is, any Will you burn will fill up the chunk that you burn it in, up to a total cap of 100 for each type. You can measure this using a Demon Will Aura Gauge.
To move Demon Will around, simply place a Demon Pylon in any adjacent chunk, and Will will be drawn towards it.
Minimum: 400 Will
Drained: 50 Will
The Pylon will draw in all kinds of will from all adjacent chunks (not including diagonals). Multiple Pylons can be chained in order to transfer Will over larger distances.
If you place a Tartaric Gem inside a Hellfire Forge, it will rapidly absorb Will from the chunk it's in.
With an Aspect of Will in the chunk, such as Raw or Corrosive, and an empty Tartaric Gem, it's possible to fill the Gem with that Aspect.
This lets you modify your Sentient Tools and Sword accordingly. The effects are defined here.
Related Links:
Crack of the Fractured Crystal
Resonance of the Faceted Crystal
There's more I can do, I can feel it...
While in the player's inventory, the Demon Will Aura Gauge will display a HUD element to show how much Demon Will is in the local Aura.
From top to bottom, the measured Will aspects are:
- Raw
- Corrosive
- Steadfast
- Destructive
- Vengeful
This gauge will appear in the top left of your screen. The coloured bars will give you a good estimate of how much of each Will Aspect is in the current chunk.
You can sneak to get a numerical value for each Aspect, between 1 and 100 Will for each. 100 is the maximum amount of any one aspect of Will that a chunk can have in it.
Now that you have plenty of Demon Will in your Tartaric Gem, it's time to explore what happens when you unleash it upon the world.
First off, you'll need to get Will into the Aura. Next, you'll need to make a Demon Crystallizer.
This will slowly consume Demon Will from the Aura to produce Will Crystals. The first spire costs 100 Will to form, and all subsequent spires cost 40 each, but can be burned for 50 in the Demon Crucible, for a net gain of 10 will. The largest Crystal Cluster can be up to 7 spires."
If you have more than 512 total Will in your inventory (Across any number of Tartaric Gems and of any one type), you can harvest these crystals by right-clicking the spire with an empty hand. This will remove all but the central spire.
However, if you do not have enough will, really need that central spire's Crystal, or are just in a hurry, you can harvest the whole lot with a pickaxe.
Once you have a Blood Altar, you'll need to gather a few Demon Wills. There are two ways to get Demon Will:
- Killing a mob that has been hit with a Soul Snare and is killed when white particle effects appear.
- By killing a hostile mob with a Sentient Sword.
Since you are just beginning to use the mod, you will not yet have a Sentient Sword and thus will need to use a Soul Snare.
Demon Will is a recurring resource in Blood Magic, and is used to power the Hellfire Forge.
In the lore of Blood Magic, Demon Will is the residual effect of when a demon imbues its will into the bodies of the dead or other monsters.
Once you have some Will, you can use it to craft useful tools in the Hellfire Forge. If you find them cluttering up your inventory, perhaps a Tartaric Gem may help.
The Hellfire Forge is one of the core crafting mechanics of Blood Magic, alongside the Blood Altar itself. Here, you can work with the Demon Will you have harvested from mobs, to allow you to create Sentient Tools, including the Sentient Sword, Tartaric Gems, various reagents, Arcane Ash, and many things besides.
Demon Will is a very useful resource, but the fragments you have been getting so far are decidedly lacking in power. What you need is a storage item; A Tartaric Gem seems just the thing. What's more, it can absorb any leftover Demon Will you might have lying around. Just drop them onto the floor and your shiny new gem will absorb them."
Your first gem will hold a maximum of 64 Will. Much more compact than before!
If you ever want to transfer Will from one gem to another, simply right-click while holding the gem you want to empty, and it will transfer its will into the first valid gem it finds in your inventory.
Your Petty Tartaric Gem is a useful tool, but it's clearly lacking in power. By carefully working it with Diamond, Lapis, and Redstone, you have found a way to quadruple its storage capabilities.
This reinforced gem can hold up to 256 Will.
Note: You only need one gem when upgrading - the Hellfire Forge will draw Will from the gem it's crafting before trying to use will from the gem in its Gem Slot. Don't worry, the newly crafted gem will hold any leftover Will from the process."
Your Lesser Tartaric Gem is a noted improvement, but once more you chafe under its limitations. To progress further will involve focusing on your Blood Altar, as you require the powers of an Imbued Slate. Combining this slate with your gem and further refining it with another Diamond and a Block of Gold, you have found a way to once again quadruple its storage capabilities.
This intricate gem can hold an impressive 1,024 Will.
You have clearly outdone yourself with the creation of the Common Tartaric Gem, but you feel there is still more you can do. However, getting more out of your gem will involve the culmination of all your work so far. Not only do you need a Demonic Slate, you also require a Weak Blood Shard and a Demon Will Crystal. Of course, it will come with rewards to match, powering your Sentient Tools like nothing you have seen before...
This masterpiece of artifice can hold an astounding 4,096 Will.
If you have the Curios API installed, you can equip Tartaric Gems as a necklace. If you want to wear more curios at once, consider using a Sigil of Holding, or the Socketed Upgrade for your Living Armour.
If Demon Will has one drawback, it's that collecting it is a slow, tedious process. Even with an almost full Tartaric Gem and a Sentient Sword enchanted with Looting III and further buffed with Plunderer's Glint II, it's still a manual process, and you have better things to do with your genius than scramble about splatting spiders and slaying skeletons.
Fortunately, it's possible to completely automate this procedure, leaving you with more time on your hands to expand your evil empire. (Or go back to farming beetroots, if you prefer.)
The first step is to get some Will Crystals. We can use any kind - Raw, Steadfast, Destructive, Vengeful or Corrosive Will, as long as we have 4 of the same kind of crystal.
Minimum will: 1,200
Drained: 100
once you have this cluster, simply place it down in any chunk, supply the chunk with Will of the matching type, and wait. Eventually, new spires will grow, just like clusters growing atop a Demon Crystallizer.
You can even automate the breaking of these additional spires with the Crack of the fractured Crystal ritual, and the collection of the resulting crystals with the Call of the Zephyr.
With a basic Routing Node system, you can even feed these excess crystals back into a Demon Crucible for a totally automatic, net-positive loop.
You may have noticed a bit of a problem, however - this setup is slow. Very, very slow. Each crystal only sprouts a new spire once every few minutes, and takes almost as much will to spawn as you gain from burning it - on average, it comes out to about 1 will / minute / spire.
Minimum: 400 Will
Drained: 20 Will
Fortunately, this is where our new friends, Will Catalysts step in. While holding one of these Catalysts, simply press right-click on a Crystal Cluster of the same type to turbocharge its growth! Each catalyst reduces the amount of will required to grow a spire from 45 to just 25, and it speeds the growth up tenfold. Every dose is good for ten spires worth of growth, which makes for a net bonus of 200 will per Catalyst.
You can even double-dose your clusters - though this only makes the effect last for 20 growths instead of 10 and has no other benefit.
Of course, the canny Sanguimancer will have realised that this has replaced one manual problem - running around and bopping monsters with a sword - with another one - running around and bopping crystals with a catalyst.
Fortunately, there's a ritual for that too! the Gathering of the Forsaken Souls will automatically apply catalysts to any crystals in its area of effect. With a few farms and a very, very clever Routing Node setup, you can automate the whole thing, top to bottom... But as they say, that's left as an exercise for the reader.