Tests (2017 only!) are defined in test/runCMSSWTest_2017.sh
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc820
cmsrel CMSSW_11_1_7
cd CMSSW_11_1_7/src
git clone -b wbwbxUL [email protected]:<yourname>/nanoAOD-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
cd PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b
Note that only CMSSW_11_X
or higher includes TensorFlow v2.1 which is used for training the b charge tagger. To check which TF version comes with CMSSW use scram tool list | grep tensorflow
The general post-processing script for producing final ntuples for plotting and statistical interpretation is:
python PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/processors/ST.py \
-i <root input file> \
--year <year> \
[--isSignal] [--isData] [--nleptons <N>] [--nosys] [--notagger] \
<output file name>
The script accepts the following arguments:
the input root file is an extended nanoAOD format which includes additional information to evaluate the charge tagger on-the-fly. It is created using the ChargeReco package.--year
needs to be one of the following: '2016','2016preVFP','2017','2018' (default: '2016')--nleptons
flag to switch between signal (=1) and top quark pair control region (=2) (default: 1)--isSignal
optional flag to store additional information for the signal (e.g. parton/particle level observables, LHE weights) (default: false)--isData
optional flag to remove gen-level information when running on data (default: false)--nosys
optional flag to remove all systematics (default: false)--notagger
optional flag to skip b charge tagger evaluation (default: false)
The analysis-specific modules can be found under python/modules. In general, the input and output collections of modules should be configurable so that they can be easily reused, i.e. for evaluating systematics. A few important ones are
- MuonSelection/MuonVeto: modules to select tight isolated muon candidates and veto additional loose muons (similar modules exists for electrons). For MC, the module also produces weights to evaluate the uncertainties on the lepton selection and reconstruction efficiencies.
- JetMetUncertinties: module to evalutate JEC/JER/MET uncertainties. Separate collections of objects are created for each variation.
- JetSelection: module to select jets within acceptance
- ChargeTagging: evaluates the b jet charge tagger and attaches the result to the jet object
The following simple script is provided under scripts/trainBDT.py.
It is possible to import modules that will be run on each entry passing the event selection, and can be used to calculate new variables that will be included in the output tree (both in friend and full mode) or to apply event filter decisions.
We will use python/postprocessing/examples/exampleModule.py
as an example. The module definition file, containing a simple constructor
exampleModuleConstr = lambda : exampleProducer(jetSelection= lambda j : j.pt > 30)
should be imported using the following syntax:
python scripts/nano_postproc.py outDir /eos/cms/store/user/andrey/f.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.examples.exampleModule exampleModuleConstr
Let us now examine the structure of the exampleProducer
module class. All modules must inherit from PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.framework.eventloop.Module
- the
constructor function should be used to set the module options. - the
function should create the branches that you want to add to the output file, calling thebranch(branchname, typecode, lenVar)
method ofwrappedOutputTree
should be the ROOT TBranch type ("F" for float, "I" for int etc.).lenVar
should be the name of the variable holding the length of array branches (for instance,branch("Electron_myNewVar","F","nElectron")
). If thelenVar
branch does not exist already - it can happen if you create a new collection, see an example here) - it will be automatically created. - the
function is called on each event. It should returnTrue
if the event is to be retained,False
if it should be dropped.
See the effect of keep/drop instructions by running:
python scripts/nano_postproc.py outDir /eos/cms/store/user/andrey/f.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.examples.exampleModule exampleModuleConstr -s _exaModu_keepdrop --bi scripts/keep_and_drop_input.txt --bo scripts/keep_and_drop_output.txt
comparing to the previous command (without --bi
and --bo
The output branch created by exampleModuleConstr produces the same result in both cases. But this one drops all other branches when creating output tree. It also runs faster.
The event interface, defined in PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.framework.datamodule
, allows to dynamically construct views of objects organized in collections, based on the branch names, for instance:
electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
if len(electrons)>1: print electrons[0].someVar+electrons[1].someVar
electrons_highpt = filter(lambda x: x.pt>50, electrons)
and this will access the elements of the Electron_someVar
, Electron_pt
branch arrays. Event variables can be accessed simply by event.someVar
, for instance event.rho
The output branches should be filled calling the fillBranch(branchname, value)
method of wrappedOutputTree
. value
should be the desired value for single-value branches, an iterable with the correct length for array branches. It is not necessary to fill the lenVar
branch explicitly, as this is done automatically using the length of the passed iterable.
Now, let's have a look at another example, python/postprocessing/examples/mhtjuProducerCpp.py
, file. Similarly, it should be imported using the following syntax:
python scripts/nano_postproc.py outDir /eos/cms/store/user/andrey/f.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoAODTools.postprocessing.examples.mhtjuProducerCpp mhtju
This module has the same structure of its producer as exampleProducer
, but in addition it utilizes a C++ code to calculate the mht variable, src/mhtjuProducerCppWorker.cc
. This code is loaded in the __init__
method of the producer.