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Github 批量管理工具,基于 GitHub CLI, Git


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Repository files navigation


What is mgithub

Mgithub is a CLI tool to update batch Github repositories and meta data.
Mgithub is suitable for:

  1. An organization which has multiple repositories.
  2. There is a need for consistent batch maintenance appears during the iteration of the project.

Help make this documentation better...

if you find this documentation lacking in any way or missing documentation for a feature, then the best things to do is learn about it and then write the documentation yourself ! Sources of this manual are available at Mgithub. Fork the repository, update them and send a pull request.

Three main steps of project development

Step 1: Finish CLI framework and two command example.
Step 2: Finish all planned command.
Step 3: Improve the user experience and optimization, build Alpha version.



  1. You need to have python3 (Python3.7 and later version) and pip3 installed on your own device. sugguest: If your python version is lower than 3.7, you can install by role_python
  2. set github accout
    git config --global credential.helper store
    git config --global xxx
    git config --global [email protected]
    git config --global user.password xxpass


  1. Fork/Download the repository from Mgithub.
  2. Install mgithub command through pip3.
    cd mgithub
    $ pip3 install --editable .
  3. Run mgithub command then you should find the help information in your terminal window.
    $ mgithub
  4. Use mgithub config to set your Github's url
    $ mgithub configure
    input URL:
    Set new URL successfully
  5. Use mgithub repocache command to fetch all of your repositories' name
    $ mgithub repocache
    开始更新XXXX Github仓库列表...
  6. Manipulate the checklist to decide the repositories you are going to make operation on it.
    $ vim data/XXXX_repositories.txt
    Custom the list of repositories by manipulating this checklist file
  7. Use mgithub clone to clone the repositories in checklist to your local machine from github.
    mgithub clone
  8. Use command to make operation on your repositories
    $ mgithub -f copy copysrc/doc.yml /.github/workflows/


  1. Use pip3 to uninstall the mgithub package.
    $ pip3 uninstall mgithub


  1. If you already install mgithub with python 3.6 or below version, you need to uninstall mgithub firstly
    $ pip3.6 list
      All of your application list (including mgithub)
    $ pip3.6 uninstall --verbose mgithub
      Force uninstall mgithub
    $ cd mgithub
    $ rm -rf mgithub.egg-info
      Remove soft link with mgithub
    $ pip3.6 list
      All of your application list (without mgithub)
  2. How to start mgithub with python3.8 installed by SCL.
    $ cd /opt/rh/rh-python38/
    $ source enable
    After this step, your default version of python3 will become the 3.8 or above (the version you have installed). Then you will be able to run mgithub as normal.

User Guide


Help information

You can find the help information by either typing mgithub or mgithub -h.

$ mgithub
$ mgithub -h

Check the version

You can check the version of mgithub by -v option.

$ mgithub -v

Check the log

You can find the latest 10 logs by -l or --logs options.

$ mgithub -l
$ mgithub --logs

Main command option


User can use this option to skip the step of cloning repositories from Github. However, the repositories in user's checklist are still going to be re-checked or pulled before you make any operation with it.

mgithub --skip-get-repositories copy copysrc/test.txt /test/


User can use this option to skip the broken operation with certain repository and jump to the next repository automatically. Without this option, any exception appears during the process of operation will stop the mgithub command.

mgithub --skip-broken copy copysrc/test.txt /test/

-f, --force

Force the operation without the prompt.
e.g. If there is already a test.txt file under /test/, this copy will overwrite this file without asking user.

mgithub -f copy copysrc/test.txt /test/

System command


User should use this command to configure the user/organization's Github url before running any command at the first time.

$ mgithub configure
input URL:
Set new URL successfully


User can use this command to pull the list of repositories under user/organization which has been configured before.

$ mgithub repocache
开始更新XXXX Github仓库列表...


Product command


Copy files or folder from source path to destination path.

  1. Command usage: mgithub copy [OPTIONS] SOURCE_PATH DESTINATION_PATH
  2. SOURCE_PATH: the path of source file on your local computer, you can put the file into mgithub/copysrc folder or just use the absolue path of file.
  3. DESTINATION_PATH: the destination location of repository where you want paste the file.

e.g. copy test.txt file under mgithub/copysrc to /test/ path of repository.

$ mgithub copy copysrc/test.txt /test/

e.g. copy test.txt file with absolute path of your computer to /test/ path of repository.

$ mgithub copy ~/desktop/test.txt /test/

e.g. copy test.txt file with force overwriting

$ mgithub -f copy copysrc/test.txt /test/


Replace file content.

  1. Command usage: mgithub replace [OPTIONS] FILE_PATH OLD_CONTENT [NEW_CONTENT]
  2. OPTIONS: -roles, websoft9 customer option, using to modify test.yml's content under websoft9/role_XXX/tests/test.yml
  3. FILE_PATH: the path of file under each repositories.
  4. OLD_CONTENT: the content in your file you want to replace.
  5. NEW_CONTENT: the content you want to replace to.

e.g. replace "windows" to "ubuntu" in test.txt

mgithub replace /test.txt "windows" "ubuntu"

e.g. websoft9 customer replace

mgithub replace -role /tests/test.yml "role_template"


Execute official Github's CLI command.

  1. Command usage: mgithub githubcli [OPTIONS] 'CLISTRING'
  2. CLISTRING: some of the available official gh command

e.g. create new secret
The official command to create new secret with gh command is:

gh secret set -R"XXXX/projectA" SECRET_1 -b"abcdefg"

With mgithub githubcli, there is no need to use -R option to confirm the name of repository:

mgithub githubcli 'gh secret set SECRET_1 -b"abcdefg"'

This mgithub script will create a secret named SECRET_1 whose value is abcdefg to every repositories under the checklist.
If there is -f option, mgithub will forced overwrite the same name secret, and vice versa.

e.g. delete existed secret
The official command to delete existed secret with gh command is:

gh secret remove -R"XXXX/projectA" SECRET_1

With mgithub githubcli, there is no need to use -R option to confirm the name of repository:

mgithub githubcli 'gh secret remove SECRET_1'

This mgithub script will delete every secret called SECRET_1 of every repositories under the checklist.
If not found, mgithub will throw a exception and stop the command. User can use --skip-broken option to skip the abnormal repository.


Process the shell command under repositories.

  1. Command usage: mgithub modify [OPTIONS] COMMAND
  2. OPTIONS: -s, --script, execute the shell script under /script folder

The basic idea for this command is to execute the shell commend under the corresponding repository folder. So every repository in this shell command need to be the comparative path to mgithub/data/{$organization_name}/{$repository_name} or the abstract path of file
Multiple shell command can be separated by semicolon ";".

e.g. copy desktop/a.txt to every repositories' root path

mgithub modify "cp ~/desktop/a.txt ."

You can also execute the designated shell command under mgithub/script/ path

e.g. execute script/ file under every repositories

chmod 755 mgithub/script/
mgithub modify -s ""


We have refactored our coding structure to make functionality extension work much easier than before.

  1. Register function in, you need to add some decoraters that following the click package standard to your function. The ctx function parameter is a python type which encapsulate all of the system command option (-f, --skip-broken) or product command option (SOURCE_PATH). You can check the functions which have been already implemented for detail.

  2. Write your own function in GithubProductCmd, you can find any option or parameter input from cli by using self.ctx['XXX'] as we mention above in step 1.

  3. github user and passowr is not need to input

git config --global credential.helper store
git config --global xxx
git config --global [email protected]
git config --global user.password xxpass


Github 批量管理工具,基于 GitHub CLI, Git







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