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Internet of Things Aggregation (IoTA) feed standard. Designed for transmitting small amounts of relevant data to mobile and IoT devices. Previously named R3S.

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Internet of Things Aggregation (IoTA) Feed Specifications

  • Version 0.14.0
  • Authored by Robert Gerald Porter & Matt Grande
  • Copyright 2011-2016 Weever Apps Inc

IoTA is a standard for delivering any kind of content via JSON or JSON-P. It is designed to be semantic and scalable, whilst being specific enough to have minimum requirements that all implementations adhere to.

Initially designed as a replacement for RSS technologies to feed content to mobile devices, IoTA has grown into a technique for retrieving content from known sources in a consistent fashion. Example implementations have included plugins for CMS systems such as Joomla and WordPress, API interfaces with NoSQL solutions such as CouchDB, and standard feed formats for data aggregating to and from Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

It is the aim to continue to develop the specifications towards a goal of being able to aggregate any data onto any device or platform.

JSON Schema

All feeds are in JSON format. Compatible formats such as JSON-P are also acceptible.

There are two tiers of properties: feed properties, and object properties.

Feed properties

Feed properties are generic properties used as "metadata" about the feed itself.

    "iotaVersion":  "0.14.0",
    "type":         "collection",
    "localization": "en-CA",
    "copyright":    "2011-2015 IoTA Widgets Inc.",
    "license":      "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
    "generator":    "My fancy IoTA Feed Generator",
    "authors":      ["Jane Doe", "John Smith"],
    "publisher":    "IoTA Publishers Inc.",
    "url":          "",
    "items":        []
Property Required? Description
iotaVersion Yes Indicates the IoTA Specification version.
type Yes Indicates either the Standard Type or Custom Type that this object belongs to.
localization No Refers to the ISO 639-1 Standard for localization codes, generally two letters for language, two for region, e.g. "en-US" for U.S. English.
copyright No Used to declare copyright on the feed content.
url No indicates the url that the feed was called from.
license No Used to indicate a particular content usage license.
generator No Used to indicate the agent generating the feed.
authors No Used to indicate the author(s) of the content.
publisher No Used to indicate the service publishing the feed
items No Contains any child content objects, used specifically by the IoTA Standard Type collection.

Object properties

Object properties are properties that describe the content in summary. "Feed Properties" should also be mixed in when not contained within an items array.

At minimum, an object contains enough data to give the intended audience enough information to be able to decide if they wish to request all data about an object.

If more detailed data exists, that content is linked to via the url parameter. Alternatively, all existing data can be contained within the object's details property.

	"name": "My object",
	"type": "html",
	"iotaVersion": "0.14.0",
	"uuid": "655156f0-6b51-11e4-9803-0800200c9a66",
	"revision": "68138367e67ec45f55d1d624f639baf0",
	"authors": ["Jane Doe", "Jon Smith"],
	"url": "",
	"description": "A brief summary of the object",
	"images": [""],
	"geo": [{
		"address": "123 Fake Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada",
		"latitude": "45.00",
		"longitude": "65.00",
		"altitude": "0"
	"taxonomies": {

		"tags": ["objects", "examples"],
		"categories": ["things"],
		"genres": ["fiction"]
	"status": ["draft"],
	"datetime": {

		"published": 1454686890,
		"created": 1454695972,
		"updated": 1454712871
	"relationships": [{
		"references": ""
	"actions": {
		"delete": ""
	"details": {}
Property Required? Description
name Yes Indicates the human-readable name of the object.
type Yes Indicates either the Standard Type or Custom Type that this object belongs to.
iotaVersion Yes An indicator for the version of IoTA you are using
uuid Yes A universally unique identifier for the object.
revision No Used to indicate a unique version of the object.
authors No Used to indicate the author(s) of the content.
url No Used to point to either the source of the current object feed, or a source which contains more details about the object.
description No A human-readable summary about the object.
status No An array of the status(es) of the content.
images No An array of URLs to relevant images.
geo No Used to geo-reference an object. This can be an array of objects referencing GPS coordinates, addresses, polygon shapes, etc.
taxonomies No Used to attach taxonomical and semantic data, such as tags, genres, categories, and other taxa.
relationships Used to refer to related content such as parent/child/sibling objects and citations.
actions No Used to indicate API URL endpoints where actions can be taken by the user. Only actions that the user is capable of taking should be indicated.
details No Used to provide the full content of the object rather than having the user request further data. Contains data as indicated within the "Detail Properties" listed below.
Deprecation Notes

tags is deprecated, replaced by taxonomies. Please add tags as an individual taxonomy.

properties and html were previously accepted outside the scope of details within an object, this is no longer the case. These properties should always remain within a details property.


Detail-properties contain detailed information about an object. This is intended to be the lowest level of the tiers, and is optional when retrieving summary data, such as in feeds.

    "html":         "<h1>Here be our HTML Content</h1><p>Here's the content text. The HTML and BODY tags are not assumed tobe part of this content.</p><p>Here's an image: <img src=\"\"></p>",
    "assets":       [
            "url":          "",
            "mimeType":     "image/gif"
    "css":			{
    	"url":      "",
    	"style":    "p.example { display: none; }"
    "properties":   {}
Property Description
html A string containing purely HTML-formatted content.
assets Digital assets such as images, video, audio, or multimedia content. Also, when used in concert with the html property, assets should contain references to any assets that are required to render the HTML so that offline systems can pre-cache media. Each asset should have a mimeType and url.
css Any CSS content required to compliment the html content. Accepted properties include url (an URL to a CSS stylesheet), and style (a string of CSS declarations).
properties A catch-all object space for more complex objects as described below under "Custom Types". This object may also be schemaless, should the data type be chosen.

Access and Administrative Control

Though it would never be displayed as part of an aggregated feed unless requested by an administrative user, access control can be handled through an accessControls property.

This is how it might be stored in a database system:

"accessControls":	{
    "users": {
        "john": { 
        	"read": true, 
        	"write": true
        "fred": { 
        	"read": false
    "roles": {
        "staff": { 
        	"read": true, 
        	"write": false 
        "admin": { 
        	"read": true, 
        	"write": true

At the deepest level, an array where each element is either a string or an object is provided. If it is a string, the permission is presumed to be allowed, however an object can explicitly say if the permission is allowed or denied.

In the above example, all staff members would have read access, except Fred, as he is explicitly denied access.

A system delivering IoTA feeds should never expose this property without proper authentication, and should only accept it when incoming from an autenticated source.

Comments, Logging, and Reserved Keys

Any property prefixed with underscore _ should be ignored by IoTA parsers, and considered a "comment", or developer documentation. JSON does not allow for inline comments, so this is our compromise.

Any property prefixed with a double underscore __ should also be ignored, and should be reserved for content generated automatically by a feed provider for logging or other internal purposes. For example, a timestamp, server signature, etc.

Any property key prefixed with an 'at' symbol @ is a reserved key, for specific functional use in IoTA parsing. An example would be mapping the schema-defined values of a stash to a root IoTA property.

    "__timestamp":      "2015-04-13T14:16:19-05:00",
    "__server":         "iota-feed-aggregator-001",
    "name":             "Test",
    "properties":       {
        "test":     true,
        "_test":    "If true, this is a test, if false this is real."

Standard Types

Standard types are the only valid IoTA types where a schema is globally standardized, as opposed to custom schemas which are domain-specific.

Type Description
collection A collection of sub-objects contained within property items
html Standard HTML content
media Media content, such as images, video, audio, or multimedia.
event Content with a limited time range, such as an appointment, due date, or gathering.
profile Content that describes an object, person, or group.
data Schema-less data, with all content generally found within properties.
schema Denotes architectural information used to describe a custom IoTA type instead of a standard type.

Deprecated Types

Deprecated Type Replaced by
channel collection
htmlContent html
events event
profiles profile
tableData data
inputRequest No direct replacement - use Custom Types instead.

Custom Types

Custom Types exist to allow great flexibility in the IoTA standard. The six Standard Types (ignoring schema type) have been selected and designed for their universality, and while useful for most contexts, are not useful for all. In circumstances where adherance to a custom schema is required, the standard types are not sufficient.

If you wish to enforce or provide a predictable schema for a category of objects, you can specify the type as a JSON object, like this:

    "name":         "ourMeatCompany/meatCut",
    "version":      "0.2.0",
    "schemaUrl":    ""

The Custom Type name property follows a domain pattern whereby a domain (such as a company name) is used to namespace a Custom Type. This can be done at several levels if desired, such as aCompanyName/internalNamespace/anObject.

The IoTA Schema JSON feed is itself a valid IoTA feed, with all expected properties inside the properties value listed out with properties.versions["X.y.z"], in addition to any notes or comments you might wish others using the feed to read.

Multiple versions of a schema can be kept within a single file. While these "versions" could instead be any kind of label, it is suggested to follow Semantic Versioning as described on

    "name": "ourMeatCompany/meatCut",
    "description": "Standard feed for a packaged cut of meat.",
    "iotaVersion": "0.14.0",
    "authors": ["Robert Gerald Porter"],
    "copyright": "2014, Weever Apps Inc",
    "url": "",
    "type": "schema",
    "revision": "abcd1234",
    "details": {
        "properties": {
            "documentationUrl": "",
            "validatorUrl": "",
            "currentReleaseVersion": "0.2.0",
            "versions": {
                "0.1.0": {
                    "@map": {
                   		"name": "product"
                    "_notes": {
                        "_version_notes": "Initial schema version",
                        "product": "Meat Product",
                        "config": "Product package configuration",
                        "weight": "Weight in kg",
                        "region": "Name of the county the source farm is in.",
                        "ration": "Rations that were fed to animal.",
                        "tenderness": "Score between 0 and 10."
                    "id": 0,
                    "code": 0,
                    "product": "",
                    "config": "",
                    "weight": 0,
                    "date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
                    "region": "",
                    "ration": "",
                    "tenderness": 0
                "0.2.0": {
                    "_notes": {
                        "_version_notes": "Improvements made to structure of properties.",
                        "product": {
                            "name": "Name of the cut",
                            "tenderness": "Rating from 0 through 10.",
                            "package": {
                                "config": "The packaging format.",
                                "date": "Date of packaging",
                                "weight": "Weight of package in kilograms"
                        "farm": {
                            "region": "Region of the farm",
                            "ration": "List of rations being fed to the animal",
                            "address": "Street address of the farm"
                    "@map": {
                    	"name": {
                    		"product": {
                    			"name": ""
                    "id": 0,
                    "code": 0,
                    "product": {
                        "name": "",
                        "tenderness": 0,
                        "package": {
                            "config": "",
                            "date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
                            "weight": 0
                    "farm": {
                        "region": "",
                        "ration": "",
                        "address": ""
    "__success": true,
    "__server_version": "3.5.193",
    "__call": {
        "url": "",
        "server": "",
        "endpoint": "/meat_cut_spec.json",
        "query": {
            "type": "get",
            "params": {}
        "execution_time": "0.111s"

The name property is required in order to validate the schema is the correct one.

Within properties, the only required property is versions. Other fields are optional:

  • documentationUrl (optional) is to provide a website URL to more detailed documentation for the use of the schema.
  • validatorUrl (optional) is an URL to a validation service for your IoTA feed using this schema. Note that validators do not currently have a standard API so you will need to consult any API documentation available.
  • currentReleaseVersion (optional) should give a new developer a hint as-to which version to choose. Normally this is the highest version, but you may have an experimental schema for testing only you may want users to avoid.
  • versions (required) an object with version-number labels containing the properties expected within a object's properties. Alternatively, this can be a string with an URL to another IoTA Schema Feed with all the expected properties directly inside properties. Anything prefixed with _ is understood to be a comment, and can be used for inline documentation of the properties.


Internet of Things Aggregation (IoTA) feed standard. Designed for transmitting small amounts of relevant data to mobile and IoT devices. Previously named R3S.






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