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jCalderTravis committed Dec 20, 2020
1 parent 90f4351 commit 5f3fa7e
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Showing 49 changed files with 5,634 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/Other people's code/*
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# distractor-stats-analysis

This repository contains code for the analysis in the paper [_Explaining the effects of distractor statistics in visual search_]( Most code is written for Matlab.

Contact: Joshua Calder-Travis, [email protected]

_Those sections of the code used in associated paper have been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee or warranty is provided for any part of the code._

## Main functions
- `runMultipleLogisicRegressions.m`: Code for running the logistic regressions reported in the paper
- `fitModels.m`: Code for running fits, or for packing all relevant information so that fits can be run on a computer cluster
- ``: Code used for submitting jobs on a computer cluster
- `makePlotsForPaper.m`: Code used for making the plots in the paper
- `attemptModelRecovery.m`: Code for simulating data with different models and then fitting the simulated datasets
- `runAllTests.m`: Code for running various code checks
- `runFullCollationPipeline.m`: Code used for collecting and managing data from the experiment

These functions rely on code in the various subfolders. Therefore, the subfolders need to be on the Matlab path.

## The DSet structure
Where a dataset is requested (`DSet`) it should be in the format described in the
README for the [modellingTools repositotry](
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions analysisFuns/addNoiseToStim.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
function percepts = addNoiseToStim(Model, ParamStruct, Data, stim, sampleShortcut)
% Add noise to observed stimulus. Different noise can be added for different
% trials. The code treats all orieations with the same first index, i.e.
% stim(i, :, :) as coming from the same trial.

% Model: See 'findDefaultModelSettings' for a description of all model
% variants avaliable.
% ParamStruct: Structure containing a field for each fitted parameter.
% Data: Strcuture containing field for each feature of the
% stimulus/behaviour. Fields contain arrays which are num trials long,
% along the first dimention.
% stim: [num trials X num locations X nDraws] array describing the orientation
% of the Gabor patches
% sampleShortcut: Instead of sampling from the von Mises. Draw a limited
% number of samples for each level of observer precision and
% then just sample from these. Currently only works when SetSizePrec is
% 'variable'.

% Produce array of simulated von Mises noise. Set up an array where rows are
% trials, and the third dimention indexes different simulations of the trial
% (the different nDraws).
noise = NaN(size(stim));

% Only need to simulate noise for locations in which a stimulus was presented.
presentedLocs = ~isnan(stim);

% Is the precision of the noise fixed for all trials or does it depend on set
% size?
if strcmp(Model.SetSizePrec, 'fixed')
assert(isequal(shape(ParamStruct.Kappa_x), [1, 1]))
relKappaX = ParamStruct.Kappa_x;

noise(presentedLocs) ...
= qrandvm(0, relKappaX, sum(presentedLocs(:)));

elseif strcmp(Model.SetSizePrec, 'variable')
if ~sampleShortcut

% Find the relevant Kappa_x value. This depends on the set size.
assert(isequal(length(unique(Data.SetSizeCond)), ...
length(ParamStruct.Kappa_x)) || ...
isequal(length(unique(Data.SetSizeCond)), 1))

relKappaX = ParamStruct.Kappa_x(Data.SetSizeCond);
assert(isequal(size(relKappaX), size(Data.SetSizeCond)))

relKappaXShaped = repmat(relKappaX, 1, size(stim, 2));

if length(size(stim)) == 3
relKappaXShaped = repmat(relKappaXShaped, 1, 1, size(stim, 3));
assert(isequal(size(relKappaXShaped), size(stim)))

relKappaXShaped(~presentedLocs) = NaN;

noise ...
= qrandvm(0, relKappaXShaped, size(noise));

elseif sampleShortcut
% Loop through the observer noise levels
for iNoise = 1 : length(ParamStruct.Kappa_x)

numSamples = 5000;
vonMisesSamples = qrandvm(0, ParamStruct.Kappa_x(iNoise), numSamples);

relevantLocs = presentedLocs & (Data.SetSizeCond == iNoise);

noise(relevantLocs) ...
= vonMisesSamples( ...
randi(numSamples, [sum(relevantLocs(:)), 1, 1]));

% Add to the stimuli and then map them back in range if they are outside
% [-pi pi]
assert(isequal(size(stim), size(noise)))
percepts = stim + noise;
percepts = vS_mapBackInRange(percepts, -pi, pi);

% Check we have NaNs in the same place as we started
assert(isequal(isnan(stim), isnan(percepts)))

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions analysisFuns/assignDefaultParamValues.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
function Params = assignDefaultParamValues(ModelName)
% Assign some default values to all the parameters in the model ready for a
% simulation. Parameters are produced in the 'unpacked' form (see
% modellingTools repository README).

% ModelName: One of the "model name" structures produced by enumerateModels

% All models use kappa_x, but how many values of kappa_x depends on the model
if strcmp(ModelName.SetSizePrec, 'variable')
logKappaX = log([ 2 3 4 5 ]');
logKappaX = logKappaX + (0.2 * randn); % Add randomness to parameter selection
Params.Kappa_x = exp(logKappaX);

elseif strcmp(ModelName.SetSizePrec, 'fixed')
logKappaX = log(3.5) + (0.2 * randn);
Params.Kappa_x = exp(logKappaX);


% The 'min' inference model also uses thresholds. The number of these depends on
% whether the observer uses different thresholds for different set sizes and
% block types.
if strcmp(ModelName.Inference, 'min')
if strcmp(ModelName.SetSizeThresh, 'variable')
Params.Thresh = [4*pi/16 : -pi/16 : pi/16]';
Params.Thresh = Params.Thresh - (pi/32) + ((pi/16)*rand(1));

elseif strcmp(ModelName.SetSizeThresh, 'fixed')
Params.Thresh = 2*pi/16;
Params.Thresh = Params.Thresh - (2*pi/32) + ((2*pi/16)*rand(1));

if strcmp(ModelName.BlockTypes, 'use')
Params.Thresh = ...
[Params.Thresh, (Params.Thresh - (pi/32))];


% Are lapses being modelled?
if strcmp(ModelName.Lapses, 'yes')
Params.LapseRate = 0.15;
Params.LapseRate = Params.LapseRate - 0.1 + (0.2 * rand(1));

% The Bayesian model has some parameters unique to it
if strcmp(ModelName.Inference, 'bayes')

% Does the observer use the true prior?
if strcmp(ModelName.Prior, 'biased')
Params.ObserverPrior = 0.65;
Params.ObserverPrior = Params.ObserverPrior - 0.3 + (0.6 * rand(1));

% Does the observer use the true kappa_s?
if strcmp(ModelName.BlockTypes, 'ignore')
Params.ObserverKappaS = 0.5;
Params.ObserverKappaS = Params.ObserverKappaS - 0.25 + (2 * rand(1));
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions analysisFuns/circ_vmrnd_fixed.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
function samples = circ_vmrnd_fixed(mu, kappa, shape)
% For kappa_s ~ 0, circ_vmrnd such does not reshape the output. Do the
% reshaping.

assert(isequal(size(mu), [1, 1]))
assert(isequal(size(kappa), [1, 1]))

samples = circ_vmrnd(mu, kappa, shape);

if kappa < 1e-6
samples = reshape(samples, shape);

if any(samples(:) > pi) || any(samples(:) < -pi)
error('Von Misses function is returning unexpected values')
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions analysisFuns/combineSingleParticipantData.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
function ConvertedDataFinal = combineSingleParticipantData(Data)
% The function simSingleCond simulates data for a signle participant and single
% condition. This function combines all the simulations for a participant.

% Data: [num block types x num set sizes] struct array. Each structure is
% produced by simSingleCond

% Make the orientation data arrays the same size regardless of how many stimuli
% were in each condition
for iBlockType = 1 : size(Data, 1)
for iSetSize = 1 : size(Data, 2)
orientationDataSize = size(Data(iBlockType, iSetSize).Orientation);
assert(orientationDataSize(2) <= 8)
% Code currently only deals with this case

% Pad the orientation data with NaNs until it is 8 columns wide
Data(iBlockType, iSetSize).Orientation = ...
[Data(iBlockType, iSetSize).Orientation, ...
NaN(orientationDataSize(1), 8-orientationDataSize(2))];

assert(~isfield(Data, 'Title'))
assert(~isfield(Data, 'NumItems'))

% Collect all orientation data, as this has to be treated slightly differently
% in the combination of data because it is not a vector
allOrientations = [];

for iStruct = 1 : length(Data(:))
allOrientations = [allOrientations; Data(iStruct).Orientation];

% Now we just need to combine all the other data together
Data = rmfield(Data, 'Orientation');
dataTable = table();

for iStruct = 1 : length(Data(:))
strcutData = struct2table(Data(iStruct));
dataTable = [dataTable; strcutData];

% Combine everything
ConvertedData = table2struct(dataTable, 'ToScalar', true);
ConvertedData.Orientation = allOrientations;

for iPtpnt = 1 : length(ConvertedData)
vars = fieldnames(ConvertedData);

for iVar = 1 : length(vars)
if isfield(ConvertedData(iPtpnt), vars{iVar})

ConvertedDataFinal(iPtpnt).Raw.(vars{iVar}) = ...

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions analysisFuns/computeLogBesseliForDuplicatedValues.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
function logBesseliVals = computeLogBesseliForDuplicatedValues(vals)
% Compute log of besseli of order zero. Useful when vals contains many duplicated
% values. In this case compuation may be sped up by this function.

uniqueVals = unique(vals);
uniqueResults = log(besseli(0, uniqueVals));

logBesseliVals = NaN(size(vals));

for iVal = 1 : length(uniqueVals)
logBesseliVals(vals == uniqueVals(iVal)) = uniqueResults(iVal);
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions analysisFuns/computeStimStats.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
function Data = computeStimStats(Data, statType, incTarget)
% Compute some statistics of the simuli.

% Data Struct array or structure with fields, 'Orientation',
% 'Target', and 'SetSize'. Additional fields will be added.
% incTarget If true then the target is treated as a distractor for the
% computation of the distractor statistics.

% Joshua Calder-Travis
% [email protected]
% GitHub: jCalderTravis

for iElement = 1 : length(Data(:))
if ~incTarget
% First need to find the indcies in Data.Orientation which correspond
% to targets
targetIndex = sub2ind([size(Data(iElement).Orientation)], ...
find(Data(iElement).Target), ...

% Retrieve the stimuli orientations and remove the target orientations
% from these
distractorAngle = Data(iElement).Orientation;

% Code checks
targetVals = distractorAngle(targetIndex);
if isempty(targetVals)
warning('No target trials found.')
elseif length(unique(targetVals)) ~= 1
assert(isequal(unique(targetVals), 0))

distractorAngle(targetIndex) = NaN;

distractorAngle = mat2cell(distractorAngle, ...
ones(size(distractorAngle, 1), 1));
assert(isequal(size(distractorAngle), [length(Data(iElement).Target), 1]))

distractorAngle = cellfun(@(vector) removeNaNs(vector), distractorAngle, ...
'UniformOutput', false);
assert(isequal(size(distractorAngle), [length(Data(iElement).Target), 1]))

% Check the resulting vectors are all the expected length
for iRow = 1 : length(distractorAngle)
expectedLength = Data(iElement).SetSize(iRow) ...
- double(Data(iElement).Target(iRow));

if length(distractorAngle{iRow}) ~= expectedLength; error('bug'); end

% If any cells are now empty replace them with NaNs
emptyCells = cellfun(@(vector) isempty(vector), distractorAngle);
distractorAngle(emptyCells) = {NaN};

elseif incTarget
distractorAngle = Data(iElement).Orientation;

distractorAngle = mat2cell(distractorAngle, ...
ones(size(distractorAngle, 1), 1));
assert(isequal(size(distractorAngle), [length(Data(iElement).Target), 1]))

% Compute some statistics of the stimuli
if strcmp(statType, 'circ')
[~, Data(iElement).DistractorStd] = cellfun( @(angles) circ_std(angles'), ...
assert(isequal(size(Data(iElement).DistractorStd), ...

Data(iElement).DistractorVar = cellfun( @(angles) circ_var(angles'), ...
assert(isequal(size(Data(iElement).DistractorVar), ...

Data(iElement).DistractorMean = cellfun( @(angles) abs(circ_mean(angles')), ...
assert(isequal(size(Data(iElement).DistractorMean), ...

elseif strcmp(statType, 'real')
Data(iElement).DistractorStd = cellfun( @(angles) std(angles'), ...

Data(iElement).DistractorVar = cellfun( @(angles) var(angles'), ...

Data(iElement).DistractorMean = cellfun( @(angles) abs(mean(angles')), ...

Data(iElement).MostSimilarDistr = cellfun( @(angles) min(abs(angles)), ...
assert(isequal(size(Data(iElement).MostSimilarDistr), ...


function vector = removeNaNs(vector)
% Remove the NaNs from a vector

vector(isnan(vector)) = [];



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