Recent papers and codes related on the Iteration/Optimization/Deep Learning/Deep neural network-based Image/Video (Quantized) Compressed/Compressive Sensing (Coding).
TGDOF [Code][Matlab]
- R. Liu, Y. ZHang, S. Cheng, X. Fan, Z. Luo, "A theoretically guaranteed optimization framework for robust compressive sensing MRI," Proceeding of the AAAI Conference on Artifical Intelligence, 2019.
DNN-CS-STM32-MCU [Code] [Tensorflow]
- Lab. of Statistical Signal Processing - Deep Neural Network for CS based signal reconstruction on STM32 MCU board
TIP-CSNet [DOI] [Code][Matconvnet]
- W. Shi et al., Image Compressed Sensing using Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Trans. Image Process, 2019.
Perceptual-CS [[Code]] ( [DOI] [Caffe]
- J. Du, X. Xie, C. Wang, and G. Shi, "Perceptual Compressive Sensing," Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV), pp. 268 - 279, 2018.
ISTA-Net [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- Z. Jian and G. Bernard, "ISTA-Net: Interpretable Optimization-Inspired Deep Network for Image Compressive Sensing", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018.
LapCSNet [Code][PDF][[MatconvNet]]
- Wenxue Cui, Heyao Xu, Xinwei Gao, Shengping Zhang, Feng Jiang, Debin Zhao: An efficient deep convolutional laplacian pyramid architecture for CS reconstruction at low sampling ratios, ICASSP 2018.
CSNet [Code] [Code-ReImp] [PDF] [DOI] [Matconvnet] [Code-ReImp-Pytorch]
- W. Shi, F. Jaing, S. Zhang, and D. Zhao, "Deep networks for compressed image sensing", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2017.
DeepInv [Code-ReImp] [PDF] [DOI]
- A. Mousavi, R. G. Baraniuk et al., "Learning to invert: Signal recovery via Deep Convolutional Networks," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2017.
DBCS [Code] [PDF] [DOI] [Matlab]
- A. Adler, D.Boublil, and M. Zibulevsky, "Block-based compressed sensing of images via deep learning,", IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2017.
DR2Net [Code] [Code] [PDF] [Caffe]
- H. Yao, F. Dai, D. Zhang, Y. Ma, S. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and Q. Tian, "DR2-net: Deep residual reconstruction network for image compressive sensing", arXiv:1702.05743, 2017.
- S. Schneider, "A deep learning approach to compressive sensing with convolutional autoencoders," tech. report, 2016.
ReconNet [Code] [Code] [PDF] [DOI] [Caffe]
- K. Kulkarni, S. Lohi, P. Turaga, R. Kerviche, A. Ashok, "ReconNet: Non-Iterative Reconstruction of Images from Compressively Sensed Measurements," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.
MS-DCI [DOI] [PDF] [Code][Matconvnet]
- T. N. Canh et al., Multi-scale Deep Compressive Imaging, arxiv 2020.
Scalable Compressed Sensing Network (SCSNet) [DOI] [PDF] [Code][Matconvnet]
- W. Shi et al., Scalable Convolutional Neural Network for Image Compressed Sensing, CVPR 2019.
DoC-DCS [Code] [PDF] [MatcovnNet]
- T. N. Canh and B. Jeon, "Difference of Convolution for Deep Compressive Sensing," IEEE International Conference on Imave Processing (ICIP), 2019.
DCSNet [Code] [PDF] [MatcovnNet]
- T. N. Canh and B. Jeon, "Multi-Scale Deep Compressive Sensing Network," IEEE International Conference on Visual Communication and Imave Processing (VCIP), 2018.
MS-CSNet [Code] [DOI] [MatconvNet]
- W. Shi, F. Jiang, S. Liu, D. Zhao, "Multi-Scale Deep Networks for Image Compressed Sensing," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2018.
- K. Xu, Z. Zhang, and F. Ren, "LAPRAN: A Scalable Laplacian Pyramid Reconstructive Adversarial Network for Flexible Compressive Sensing Reconstruction," arXiv:1807.09388.
- Thuong Nguyen Canh and Hajime Nagahara, "Deep Compressive Sensing for Visual Privacy Protection in FlatCam Imaging," IEEE the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop, 2019.)
- Maosong Ran, Wenjun Xia, Yongqiang Huang, Zexin Lu, Peng Bao, Yan Liu, Huaiqiang Sun, Jiliu Zhou, and Yi Zhang, "MD-Recon-Net: a parallel dual-domain convolutional neural network for compressed sensing MRI," IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, DOI: 10.1109/TRPMS.2020.2991877, online, 2020.
- P. Deora, B. Váudeva, S. Bhattacharya, P. M. Pradhan, "Structure Preserving Compressive Sensing MRI Reconstruction using Generative Adversarial Networks," IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2020.
Tensor-ADMM-Net-CSI[Code] [Tensorflow]
- Jiawei Ma, Xiao-Yang Liu, Zheng Shou, Xin Yuan, "Deep Tensor ADMM-Net for Snapshot Compressive Imaging," IEEE ICCV, Nov. 2019.
- Yan Yang, Jian Sun, Huibin Li, Zongben Xu, "ADMM-CSNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Image Compressive Sensing," IEEE Transaction on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 2019.
DCS-GAN [Code][Pdf] - Available Soon from DeepMind
- Yan Wu, Mihaela Rosca, Timothy Lillicrap, Deep Compressive Sensing, Arxiv 2019.
F-CSRG [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- Shaojie Xu, Sihan Zeng, Justin Romberg, "Fast Compressive Sensing Recovery Using Generative Models with Structured Latent Variables ," arXiv:1806.10175, 2019.
L1AE [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- Shanshan Wu, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Sujay Sanghavi, Felix X. Yu, Daniel Holtmann-Rice, Dmitry Storcheus, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Sanjiv Kumar, "Learning a Compressed Sensing Measurement Matrix via Gradient Unrolling," arXiv:1806.10175, 2018.
- David Van Veen; Ajil Jalal, Eric Price; Sriram Vishwanath; Alexandros G. Dimakis, "Compressed Sensing with Deep Image Prior and Learned Regularization," arXiv:1806.06438, 2018.
Deep-ADMM-Net [Code] [DOI] [MatconvNet]
- Yan Yang ; Jian Sun ; HUIBIN LI ; Zongben Xu, "ADMM-CSNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Image Compressive Sensing," IEEE Transaction on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 2018.
VAR-MSI [Code] [[PDF]] [DOI] [Tensorflow]
- H. Kerstin et al., "Learning a variational network for reconstruction of accelerated MRI data," Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 79, no. 6, 2018.
- M. Seitzer et al., "Adversarial and Perceptual Refinement Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction," MICCAI 2018.
KCS-Net [Code] [PDF] [MatconvNet]
- T. N. Canh and B. Jeon, "Deep Learning-Based Kronecker Compressive Imaging", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronic Asia, 2018
DAGAN [Code] [PDF] [DOI] [Tensorflow]
- G. Yang et al., "DAGAN: Deep De-Aliasing Generative Adversarial Networks for Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction," IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, vol. 37, no. 6, 2018.
DeepVideoCS [Web] [Code] [PDF] [DOI] [PyTorch]
- M. Illiasdis, L. Spinoulas, A. K. Katsaggelos, "Deep fully-connected networks for video compressive sensing," Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, vol. 72, 2018.
CSVideoNet [Code] [PDF] [Caffe] [Matlab]
- K. Xu and F. Ren, "SVideoNet: A Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Compressive Sensing Video Reconstruction," arXiv:162.05203, 2018.
- Qiegen Liu and Henry Leung, Synthesis-analysis deconvolutional network for compressed sensing, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2017.
CSGM [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- A. Bora, A. Jalal, A. G. Dimakis, "Compressed sensing using Generative Models," arXiv:1703.03208, 2017.
Learned D-AMP [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- C. A. Metzler et al., "Learned D-AMP: Principled Neural Network based Compressive Image Recovery," Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.
Deep-Ternary [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- D. M. Nguyen, E. Tsiligianni and N. Deligiannis, "Deep learning sparse ternary projections for compressed sensing of images," IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2017.
GANCS [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- M. Mardani et al., "Compressed Sensing MRI based on Deep Generative Adversarial Network", arXiv:1706.00051, 2017.
- Sungkwang Mun ; James E. Fowler: DPCM for quantized block-based compressed sensing of images, 2012.
CSNN [Code] [DOI] [Matlab][Tensorflow]
- Yonar and Lee et. al., A Compressed Sensing Framework for Efficient Dissection of Neural Circuits." (2019) Nature Methods 16, pages126–133.
- Abdelrahman Taha, Muhammad Alrabeiah, Ahmed Alkhateeb, "Enabling Large Intelligent Surfaces with Compressive Sensing and Deep Learning," arXiv:1904.10136, Apr 2019.
VAE-GANs [Code] [PDF] [Python]
- Vineet Edupuganti, Morteza Mardani, Joseph Cheng, Shreyas Vasanawala, John Pauly, "VAE-GANs for Probabilistic Compressive Image Recovery: Uncertainty Analysis," arxiv1901.1128, 2019.
Sparse-Gen [Code] [[PDF] [Tensorflow]
- Manik Dhar, Aditya Grover, Stefano Ermon, "Modeling Sparse Deviations for Compressed Sensing using Generative Models," International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018
Super-LiDAR [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- Nathaniel Chodosh, Chaoyang Wang, Simon Lucey, "Deep Convolutional Compressed Sensing for LiDAR Depth Completion," arXiv:1803.08949, 2018.
Unpaired-GANCS [Code] [Tensorflow]
- Reconstruct under sampled MRI image
CSGAN [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- M. Kabkab, P. Samangouei, and R. Chellappa, "Task-Aware Compressed Sensing with Generative Adversarial Networks," AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
DL-CSI [Code] [PDF] [Tensorflow][Keras
- Chao-Kai Wen, Wan-Ting Shih, and Shi Jin, “Deep learning for massive MIMO CSI feedback,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2018.
US-CS [Code] [PDF] [DOI] [Tensorflow]
- D. Perdios, A. Besson, M. Arditi, and J. Thiran, "A Deep Learning Approach to Ultrasound Image Recovery", IEEE International Ultranosics Symposium, 2017.
DeepIoT [Code-ReImplement] [PDF] [Tensorflow]
- Shuochao Yao, Yiran Zhao, Aston Zhang, Lu Su, Tarek Abdelzaher, "DeepIoT: Compressing Deep Neural Network Structures for Sensing Systems with a Compressor-Critic Framework," AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
LSTM_CS [Code] [PDF] [DOI] [Matlab]
- H. Palangi, R. Ward, and L. Deng, "Distributed Compressive Sensing: A Deep Learning Approach," IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 17, 2016.
[TUM] Reinhard Heckel, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi: Compressive sensing with un-trained neural networks: Gradient descent finds the smoothest approximation. ICML 2020. [paper]
[TU/e] Iris A.M. Huijben, Bastiaan S. Veeling, Ruud J.G. van Sloun: Deep probabilistic subsampling for task-adaptive compressed sensing. ICLR 2020. [paper]
[NUS] Zhaoqiang Liu, Selwyn Gomes, Avtansh Tiwari, Jonathan Scarlett: Sample Complexity Bounds for 1-bit Compressive Sensing and Binary Stable Embeddings with Generative Priors. ICML 2020. [paper]
Xiaochen Han, Bo Wu, Zheng Shou, Xiao-Yang Liu: Tensor FISTA-Net for Real-Time Snapshot Compressive Imaging. AAAI 2020. [[paper]]
Akshay Kamath, Eric Price, Sushrut Karmalkar: On the power of compressed sensing with generative models. ICML 2020. [[paper]]
[Georgia Tech] Afshin Abdi, Faramarz Fekri: Quantized Compressive Sampling of Stochastic Gradients for Efficient Communication in Distributed Deep Learning. AAAI 2020. [paper]