SB-PdM is a Similarity-Based (SB)-Predictive-Maintenance (PdM) code to perform Predictive Maintenance (PdM) of rolling bearings without the need to train a classifier. It is a non-machine learning tool, where the classification task is performed by applying a similarity measure between test sample and class-reference labeled samples in the feature space. Specifically, a labeled reference vibration segment should be available for each operational condition "class". The monitoring of process integrity is then achieved by continuously measuring the similarity in the feature space between generated vibration segments and the labeled reference vibration segments. Accordingly, the classification of different operational conditions is achieved by evaluating the resulting similarity scores. The higher the similarity between a vibration segment and specific labeled reference segment, the higher the likelihood that they belong to the same condition "class".
The main aspects of the framework are feature extraction and similarity measure. Extracted features should be engineered so that they fulfill two main requirements:
- Describe the inherent characteristics of all operational conditions “classes” in the data.
- Have high-discrimination degree between the different operational conditions in the data.
The Performance of the tool is evaluated on the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) bearing dataset. The tool is implemented in Python and Jupyter notebook provided.
For all inquiries or collaboration opportunities please contact:
Email : [email protected] or [email protected]
Github: SulAburakhia or Western OC2 Lab
Google Scholar: OC2 Lab; Sulaiman Aburakhia
If you find this repository useful in your research, please cite as:
S. A. Aburakhia, T. Tayeh, R. Myers and A. Shami, "Similarity-Based Predictive Maintenance Framework for Rotating Machinery", the Fifth International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications (ICCSPA’22), Cairo, Egypt, 27-29 December 2022.