Highly functional Terminal UI based on Web technology.
- Install the Plugin Loader
- Start the game
- Open the Plugins menu (should be in the Main Menu)
- Enable the Enhanced UI plugin from the GitHub source
- Click on Save, then Restart (below the plugin list)
TODO: Separate this section into a file as it grows.
- .NET SDK 5.0
- .NET Framework 4.8
- Space Engineers You can also get it directy from Steam.
- JetBrains Rider or Visual Studio
- Plugin Loader
- Clone the repository to have a local working copy
- Edit the game's path in batch file, then run it:
- Open the solution
- Build the solution
- Deploy locally and run
- JetBrains: Select a run configuration for local deployment
- Visual Studio: See the batch files in the projects
- CefSharp browser component
- C#-JS integration