A discord bot that posts ESV bible passages when referenced in chat
(You can produce NIV bible passages if you rename NIVbible.json to bible.json)
- Follow this guide until step 4 - https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/how-to-make-a-discord-bot/
- Create a file in the root folder named auth.json and paste the following: { "token": "YOUR_BOTS_AUTH_TOKEN" }
- replace YOUR_BOTS_AUTH_TOKEN with the auth token you got in step 3 of the guide above
- run: npm install
- run: node bot.js
When you type a message of one of the following categories into a text server, BibleBoy will respond as appropriate
Specific Reference (e.g. Gen 1:1)
Whole Chapter (e.g. Gen 1)
Range of chapters (e.g. Gen 1-2)
Range of verses wihtin a chapter (e.g. Gen 1:1-3)
Range of verses crossing chapters (e.g. Gen 1:1-2:3)
You may also provide multiple references by delimiting them with a semicolon. (e.g. Gen 1-2; John 3:16)