A discord bot virtual puzzle room for a Tehillah Easter Event
- Follow this guide until step 4 - https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/how-to-make-a-discord-bot/
- Create a file in the root folder named auth.json and paste the following: { "token": "YOUR_BOTS_AUTH_TOKEN" }
- replace YOUR_BOTS_AUTH_TOKEN with the auth token you got in step 3 of the guide above
- run: npm install
- Create the following text channels - master, answerLog, team1, team2, team3, team4, team5, team6, team7, team8
- Find the channel IDs for them (see below) and add them to the code, replacing the IDs as appropriate in bot.js
- Set up networking (see below)
- run: node server.js
- run: node bot.js
- type !startgame into master to start the game, then remember to start all answers with an '!'
Warning - typing any answers into answerLog, master after you started the game, or any other text channel not listed above will crash the bot.
- Run generateID.js
- type an answer into each of the text channels you want to find the IDs for - e.g. !test
- The console will log the channel IDs
- Terminate generateID.js before running bot.js
- The game is hosted on port 3000 internally by default, you will need to forward this port to port 80 externally so it is accessible externally with browsers
- The domain name I used was 'http://tehillaheaster2020.xyz', change this to your own domain. If you don't have a domain name, just change it to your external IP address (https://www.whatismyip.com/what-is-my-public-ip-address/)