In case you are looking to make some changes please make sure you do the following changes!
- Execute the following instructions:
git clone
git checkout -b <issue-name>
- Note: Issue name can be an Issue assigned to you! Example of a branch name is: SEO, in case you are making SEO changes to the website and so on!
- Make your changes in the main folder and save them in your local repository. After that, execute the following instructions:
git add --all
git commit -m "<Your message>"
git push origin <issue-name>
- Note: Make sure you do not do
git push origin master
or any other branch.
After pushing it to the GitHub repository send a Pull Request via the Pull Request button on GitHub and write a brief explanation of all the changes that you have made!
After your changes have been merged, go back to yourlocal repository and execute the following instructions:
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git branch -d <issue-name>
Note: The last command deletes your previously created branch which you created for the Issue.
Note: In case you need to view which branch you currently are on execute the following command:
git branch
- While you are sending your Pull Requests, please make sure you reference the issues that you have been assigned. Without that your Pull Request will not be accepted!