A Clojure library that reads well formed csv files into a sequence of maps ({}) using the first line as column headers. It also supports writing csv's from the same structures
[csv-map "0.1.3"]
{csv-map {:mvn/version "0.1.3"}}
Like clojure-csv csv-map exposes two public functions: parse-csv and write-csv. Use it like:
(use 'csv-map.core)
(parse-csv (slurp "file.csv"))
To parse the column names into keywords use :key :keyword
as options.
csv-map uses clojure-csv as backend: this means you can pass any opts you
would pass to clojure-csv into csv-map and the options will be passed on to
clojure-csv's parse and write functions.
Copyright © 2013 Michael Bauer Modified work Copyright © 2019 Alex Whitt
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0, the same as Clojure (see LICENSE.md).