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Repository for the development of a version 3 of the QuickStatements tool for making bulk edits to Wikidata.

Local development HOW TO

Required tools:

  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • Make

To build the development container

> make build

Make sure that you have an env file inside the local etc/ dir. This file contains all the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES used by the system and must never be added to your git repo.

To generate a good secret key you can run with python 3.6+

python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"

To start all services (database, web server, run a shell inside the container)

> make run

If everything is correct, Quickstatements will be available at http://localhost:8000/

If you are running this for the first time, you have to create a superuser for the Django admin. You can access the container with make shell. From there:

> django-admin createsuperuser

will run an interactive command which will ask you for your username, password, email, etc... follow the prompts and you should be able to login to the admin at http://localhost:8000/admin

Wikibase server

QuickStatements 3.0 uses the Wikibase REST API to interact with a Wikibase server. To define which server it is pointing to, define the BASE_REST_URL environment variable, pointing to the rest.php endpoint. For example: BASE_REST_URL=

QuickStatements 3.0 uses the Wikibase REST API provided in /wikibase/v1 and the profile endpoint for the Oauth2 API, provided in /oauth2 to check autoconfirmation status and authorize users.

Currently it's only possible to point at one Wikibase instance.


This application uses OAuth2 with the Mediawiki provider.

The grants we probably need are:

  • Perform high volume activity
    • High-volume (bot) access
  • Interact with pages
    • Edit existing pages
    • Edit protected pages (risk rating: vandalism)
    • Create, edit, and move pages


After registering a consumer in

This application is listening on /auth/callback/, so, when registering, define the callback endpoint as

After receveing the consumer id and secret, set up the OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables.

Developer access

If you want to login with a developer access token, you need to register for yourself an owner-only consumer application for OAuth2. Follow the form and be sure to tick "This consumer is for use only by ".

Integration tests

To run Integration tests on, you'll need a developer access token (owner-only) to edit on

After obtaining it, define the environment variable INTEGRATION_TEST_AUTH_TOKEN in etc/env file as your developer access token. Then, run the tests with make integration.

Alternatively, define that environment varibale inside the container shell and run the tests directly with python3 test integration.

Toolforge deployment

  • Log in and enter into the tool user
  • Clone the repository at ~/www/python/
  • Update uwsgi.ini with the tool name (in this case, it's qs-dev)
  • Create the environment variables file at ~/www/python/src/.env with install -m 600 /dev/null ~/www/python/src/.env so that only your user can read it.
  • Run
  • Logs are at ~/uwsgi.log


Repository for the development of a new version of QuickStatements







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