Orientation Plug-in - Part of the WildMe / Wildbook IA Project.
A plugin for automatic detection of object-oriented bounding box based on axis-aligned box for wildlife species.
With the plugin installed, register the module name with the WBIAControl.py file in the wbia repository located at wbia/wbia/control/WBIAControl.py. Register the module by adding the string wbia_plugin_orientation to the list AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_MODNAMES.
Then, load the web-based WBIA IA service and open the URL that is registered with the @register_api decorator.
cd ~/code/wbia/
python dev.py --web
{"status": {"cache": -1, "message": "", "code": 200, "success": true}, "response": "[wbia_plugin_identification_example] hello world with WBIA controller <WBIAController(testdb1) at 0x11e776e90>"}
>>> import wbia
>>> import wbia_orientation
>>> species = 'spotteddolphin'
>>> url = 'https://cthulhu.dyn.wildme.io/public/datasets/orientation.spotteddolphin.coco.tar.gz'
>>> ibs = wbia_orientation._plugin.wbia_orientation_test_ibs(species, dataset_url=url)
>>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()
>>> aid_list = aid_list[:10]
>>> output, theta = ibs.wbia_plugin_detect_oriented_box(aid_list, species, False, False)
>>> expected_theta = [-0.4158303737640381, 1.5231519937515259,
2.0344438552856445, 1.6124389171600342,
1.5768203735351562, 4.669830322265625,
1.3162155151367188, 1.2578175067901611,
0.9936041831970215, 0.8561460971832275]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> diff = np.abs(np.array(theta) - np.array(expected_theta))
>>> assert diff.all() < 1e-6
The function from the plugin is automatically added as a method to the ibs object as ibs.wbia_plugin_detect_oriented_box(), which is registered using the @register_ibs_method decorator.
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Our code uses Google-style documentation tests (doctests) that uses pytest and xdoctest to enable full support. To run the tests from the command line use:
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Quantitative and qualitative results are presented here
- Python >= 3.7
- PyTorch >= 1.5
Data used for training and evaluation:
- sea turtle head parts - orientation.seaturtle.coco.tar.gz
- sea dragon head parts - orientation.seadragon.coco.tar.gz
- manta ray body annotations - orientation.mantaray.coco.tar.gz
- spotted dolphin body annotations - orientation.spotteddolphin.coco.tar.gz
- hammerhead shark body annotations - orientation.hammerhead.coco.tar.gz
- right whale bonnet parts - orientation.rightwhale.coco.tar.gz
- whale shark - orientation.whaleshark.coco.tar.gz
- Each dataset is preprocessed to speed-up image loading during training. At the first time of running a training or a testing script on a dataset the following operations are applied:
- an object is cropped based on a segmentation boudnding box from annotations with a padding around equal to the half size of the box to allow for image augmentations
- an image is resized so the smaller side is equal to the double size of a model input; the aspect ratio is preserved.
The preprocessed dataset is saved in data directory.
During the training the data is augmented online in the following way:
- Random Horizontal Flips
- Random Vertical Flips
- Random Rotations
- Random Scale
- Random Crop
- Color Jitter (variations in brightness, hue, contrast and saturation)
Both training and testing data are resized to the model input size and normalized.
Run the training script:
python wbia_orientation/train.py --cfg <path_to_config_file> <additional_optional_params>
Configuration files are listed in experiments folder. For example, the following line trains the model with parameters specified in the config file:
python wbia_orientation/train.py --cfg wbia_orientation/config/mantaray.yaml
To override a parameter in config, add this parameter as a command line argument:
python wbia_orientation/train.py --cfg wbia_orientation/config/mantaray.yaml TRAIN.BS 64
The test script evaluates on the test set with the best model saved during training:
python wbia_orientation/test.py --cfg <path_to_config_file> <additional_optional_params>
For example:
python wbia_orientation/test.py --cfg wbia_orientation/config/mantaray.yaml
By default, the accuracy of detected rotation angle is computed for a threshold of 10 degrees. Pass a different value as a command line parameter to evaluate with another threshold:
python wbia_orientation/test.py --cfg wbia_orientation/config/mantaray.yaml TEST.THETA_THR 15.