OS Class Project 14_15
So, we got to develop a Server, that server will be ready to receive at any moment a request from a plane Pilot.
Those Pilots are going to ask the Server for some informations about the weather (like shitstorms, etc).
The Server will receive these request on a unique pipe, and send answers to the Pilots on individuals pipes named after their uniques pid.
Our Server will take his weather informations from a file generated by a Meteo generator, the deal with this point is to prevent any concurrent access between the reader Server and the writer Meteo Generator.
#Files we gotta code
- Pilot.c
- Server.c
- Meteogen.c
- Structure.h (At least for ATIS messages structure)
#Summarized critical constraints
- Prevent concurrential access between Server and Meteo on the meteo file
- Make our little boys sure that they read the correct amount of bytes.
- ...
#To give on the d-date
° Word document report :
- Introduction
- Analysis (Plan of the app)
- Explanations on specifics technical items
- Conclusion (Problems and difficulties encountered, solutions, improvements) ° Printed Code