This project is a demonstration of pathfinding in programming done with the A* algorithm. The A* algorithm searches through simple node traversal to find the shortest available path to its target destination. A* will be demonstrated with visual navigation through mazes showing how the search determines where it goes as the algorithm progresses, and how it arrives at its final path.
- Choose from preset initial mazes for traversal
- Start, pause, reset, and show path costs as the traversal happens
- Learn about the functionality and history of A*
- Toggle seeing code move through its lines showing how it is written and its pattern
- An instruction page, detailing how to use the page
- A production README
- Navigation links to GitHub repo, LinkedIn, and Instruction
- On the left, maze layouts for users to select
- Controls on the bottom of the page
- A* information on the top of the page
- Screen on the left for users to toggle the ability to create their own maze/map (bonus)
- The Canvas API to render the mazes and traversal progress
- Webpack to bundle the source JavaScript code
- npm for managing dependencies in the project
- Friday & Weekend: Initial setup for project, getting webpack started, start with initial canvas(d3) and get familiar with api implementation. Initial class creations for the grid blocks and the grid container.
- Monday: Have A* implemented and working with non visual examples. Create user controls on page
- Tuesday: Create the canvas to show each move of A* traversal with proper rendering
- Wednesday: Finish styling for the page. Should time allow start on bonus for user to create custom mazes/maps
- Thursday: Deploy project to GitHub Pages. Create production README.