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Business Information
Once you have a decent amount of money saved up however you did so you may want to start a Business this page will walk you through the steps and costs of starting you Business and will lead you to the pages explaining how to manage you company and how to expand your company into making even more money.
Starting a business is a simple task but not a cheap one. to start your business all you need is a name you want to name your business and the $2,560,000 for the inital business license once you have those you can do /regbusiness {BusinessName}
To hire a Script Employee it is easy just have the $10,000 Recruitment fee in cash and then do /hireemployee a new employee will be found and hired on at you company. You will never see this person all you will is how much you pay him and how much money hes bringing into your company learn more in the managing employees section of this page.
To manage your Script Employee's you will have to navigate to a specific web page generated for your company first you need your Steam ID in HEX format so do /idme and above your mini-map it will display your steam ID in HEX format I sugeest taking a screenshot. you will then go to the link below replacing 'STEAM_ID_HERE' with your steam ID.
Below is an Example Employee management page http://uniquerp.xyz/Business/Data/employees.php?STEAM_ID=steam:110000107e894e5
Now that we can see our Employee's and what the number are behind this lets take a look at the numbers we are seeing. First off we have ID that is the Employee's unique ID number you use this number to train or Fire this employee if you need to
Second number we have Salary. This is the salary that you are paying this employee
Third Number we have is Expenses this is how much the employee costs the company in terms of supplies, power, water and space
The Fourth and final number we see here is Revenue this is the gross Revenue that the employee is earning you company.
To determine if an Employee is a profitable employee (Not All Are) you add the Salary and the Expense numbers together and you want the total of those 2 numbers to be less than revenue if Salary + Expenses is less then Revenue then that Employee is profitable if Salary + Expenses is more then Revenue that employee is not profitable and is infact causing your company to lose money. So you should then either Train or Fire that specific Employee
To Fire an employee all you have to do is get that employee's ID from the Employee Management page then go In-Game and do /fire {Employee_ID} and that will fire that Employee
These are random luck and chance events that can happen and can end up costing your company A LOT of money the chances of one of these events changes with what level your company is below I have the Company Level and the chance of a Random event Or Issue happening
- Business Level has a 10 in 2000 Chance
- Company Level has a 10 in 5000 Chance
- Corporation Level has a 10 in 8000 Chance
- International Level has a 10 in 12500 chance
To expand your Business to the next level there are certain requirements you have to meet. These requirements change for what level your Business Currently is and what level you are trying to Upgrade too. Below are the steps to expansion in order. All required Business Property is bought from LomBank(Free Property 16/17 on your map)
To expand your Business to a Company you simply need do the command /regcompany {COMPANY_NAME} Below are the Requirements to expand from Business to Company You Must
- Already be a Business
- Have 15 Employees
- Own the 'LB Power Broker Ice' Property
- Have $6,874,000 in cash for License fee
To expand your Company to a Corporation you simply need do the command /regcorporation {CORPORATION_NAME} Below are the Requirements to expand from Company to Corporation You Must
- Already be a Company
- Have 50 Employees
- Own the 'LB Power Broker Conservative' Property
- Have $12,850,000 in cash for License fee
To expand your Corporation to a International-Corporation you simply need do the command /reginternational {CORPORATION_NAME} Below are the Requirements to expand from Corporation to International-Corporation You Must
- Already be a Corporation
- Have 120 Employees
- Own the 'LB Power Broker Polished' Property
- Have $25,987,000 in cash for License fee
Now that we have our business registered and setup with employees and have checked all of employee's are profitable we need to keep this going without going bankrupt. to do this we need to manage our Business supplies. This sounds like a minor thing but can be a huge deal breaker. You need to keep your supplies up or your employee's wont have the supplies they need to make your company money but just cause you don't have supplies to make money doesn't mean your bills or expenses stop.
Your business uses supplies for its day to day running. Our Business system runs on a 30 minute (IRL Time) PayCycle this means every 30 minutes you get the money your employees have made you and the cost of your employee's is deducted from your money. Every PayCycle your company uses an amount of supplies this amount changes depending on what license level your business is. Below is a list of the amount of supplies ech business uses every PayCycle Supply Usage Chart
- Business Uses 200
- Company Uses 400
- Corporation Uses 600
- International Uses 800
You can check the supply level of your business by doing /checksupplies that will display the ammount of supplies you have on hand. You want to keep your supplies as full as possible.
To get more supplies for your business do /getsupply this will set a way point to 1 of the spawn locations for Business Supplies drive to the way point and in the area the way point was there will be a green circle walk into it and hit E that will add 200 Supplies to your business. This dose not cost anything other than your time. Your Business can only hold a certain amount of supplies when you do /checksupplies the last number is your max supplies.
If you end up messing up your business and going millions if not billions into debt there is another option rather than trying to pay all that debt off. you can do /bankrupt ONLY DO THIS COMMAND IF YOU POSITIVELY HAVE TO Doing /bankrupt will reset you completely and will allow you to restart fresh Keep in mind this wipes EVERYTING your money, your cars, your stocks, your houses, your guns, your bank (Although it wont display at first) Everything will be reset.