fix/ #68181 [Type] Enhancement #122638
7 errors, 10 warnings, and 8 notices
[chromium] › site-editor/site-editor-url-navigation.spec.js:23:2 › Site editor url navigation › Redirection after template creation:
1) [chromium] › site-editor/site-editor-url-navigation.spec.js:23:2 › Site editor url navigation › Redirection after template creation
TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByRole('button', { name: 'For a specific item' })
42 | await page
43 | .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'For a specific item' } )
> 44 | .click();
| ^
45 | await page.getByRole( 'option', { name: 'Demo' } ).click();
46 | await expect( page ).toHaveURL(
47 | '/wp-admin/site-editor.php?p=%2Fwp_template%2Femptytheme%2F%2Fsingle-post-demo&canvas=edit'
at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/site-editor/site-editor-url-navigation.spec.js:44:5
[chromium] › editor/plugins/format-api.spec.js:43:2 › Using Format API › should show unknow formatting button:
1) [chromium] › editor/plugins/format-api.spec.js:43:2 › Using Format API › should show unknow formatting button
Error: apiRequestContext.fetch: socket hang up
Call log:
- → PUT http://localhost:8889/index.php?rest_route=/wp/v2/plugins/gutenberg-test-plugins/format-api
- user-agent: Playwright/1.48.1 (x64; ubuntu 22.04) node/20.18 CI/1
- accept: */*
- accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,br
- X-WP-Nonce: a17dd59c71
- content-type: application/json
- content-length: 21
- cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check; wordpress_logged_in_23778236db82f19306f247e20a353a99=admin%7C1735035418%7CEGF9vfmp0O8ARBpGmXqKBoS9gpADebkiKwg9YBXnFAF%7C057b645adf135fb7e9b35e6715b7764d77fac5b7aca251396e75d8173267111c; wp-settings-time-1=1734862687
at ../../../packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/request-utils/rest.ts:119
117 |
118 | try {
> 119 | const response = await this.request.fetch( url, {
| ^
120 | ...fetchOptions,
121 | failOnStatusCode: false,
122 | headers: {
at (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/request-utils/rest.ts:119:39)
at RequestUtils.deactivatePlugin (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/request-utils/plugins.ts:96:13)
at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/plugins/format-api.spec.js:12:3
[chromium] › site-editor/dataviews-list-layout-keyboard.spec.js:96:2 › Dataviews List Layout › Navigates the items list via UP/DOWN arrow keys:
1) [chromium] › site-editor/dataviews-list-layout-keyboard.spec.js:96:2 › Dataviews List Layout › Navigates the items list via UP/DOWN arrow keys
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeFocused()
Locator: getByLabel('Sample Page')
Expected: focused
Received: inactive
Call log:
- expect.toBeFocused with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByLabel('Sample Page')
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="-1" type="button" aria-pressed="false" id="view-list-0-177-item-wrapper" class="dataviews-view-list__item" aria-labelledby="view-list-0-177-label" aria-describedby="view-list-0-177-description"></button>
- unexpected value "not focused"
111 | // Use arrow up/down to move through the list.
112 | await 'ArrowDown' );
> 113 | await expect( page.getByLabel( 'Sample Page' ) ).toBeFocused();
| ^
114 |
115 | await 'ArrowUp' );
116 | await expect( page.getByLabel( 'Privacy Policy' ) ).toBeFocused();
at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/site-editor/dataviews-list-layout-keyboard.spec.js:113:52
[chromium] › editor/blocks/image.spec.js:941:4 › Image - lightbox › should respect theme.json settings and block overrides › Theme.json settings - allow editing FALSE:
1) [chromium] › editor/blocks/image.spec.js:941:4 › Image - lightbox › should respect theme.json settings and block overrides › Theme.json settings - allow editing FALSE, enabled FALSE › Block settings - link DISABLED, lightbox ENABLED - should show UI while block override is active, but hide UI if override is removed
Error: apiRequestContext.fetch: socket hang up
Call log:
- → PUT http://localhost:8889/index.php?rest_route=/wp/v2/plugins/gutenberg-test-plugins/lightbox-allow-editing-false-enabled-false
- user-agent: Playwright/1.48.1 (x64; ubuntu 22.04) node/20.18 CI/1
- accept: */*
- accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,br
- X-WP-Nonce: c9b7ee9cf5
- content-type: application/json
- content-length: 21
- cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check; wordpress_logged_in_23778236db82f19306f247e20a353a99=admin%7C1735035398%7CNZ9VtwXQe1TWh5BNy59sKi9wpZGC8PbM955psfvOgk1%7C65b2666eecb7bfbfb6af9dfb80e81b680a87695e53c2130bf535ca2752d3d8f0; wp-settings-time-1=1734862754
at ../../../packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/request-utils/rest.ts:119
117 |
118 | try {
> 119 | const response = await this.request.fetch( url, {
| ^
120 | ...fetchOptions,
121 | failOnStatusCode: false,
122 | headers: {
at (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/request-utils/rest.ts:119:39)
at RequestUtils.deactivatePlugin (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/request-utils/plugins.ts:96:13)
at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/image.spec.js:911:5
[firefox] › editor/blocks/navigation-frontend-interactivity.spec.js:378:3 › Navigation block - Frontend interactivity › Submenus (Arrow setting) (@firefox:
1) [firefox] › editor/blocks/navigation-frontend-interactivity.spec.js:378:3 › Navigation block - Frontend interactivity › Submenus (Arrow setting) (@Firefox, @WebKit) › submenu click on the arrow interactions
TimeoutError: locator.waitFor: Timeout 60000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('.edit-site-canvas-loader, .edit-site-canvas-spinner') to be visible
at ../../../packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/admin/visit-site-editor.ts:57
55 | // Wait for the canvas loader to appear first, so that the locator that
56 | // waits for the hidden state doesn't resolve prematurely.
> 57 | await canvasLoader.waitFor( { state: 'visible', timeout: 60_000 } );
| ^
58 | await canvasLoader.waitFor( {
59 | state: 'hidden',
60 | // Bigger timeout is needed for larger entities, like the Large Post
at Admin.visitSiteEditor (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/admin/visit-site-editor.ts:57:22)
at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation-frontend-interactivity.spec.js:353:4
[firefox] › editor/blocks/navigation-frontend-interactivity.spec.js:378:3 › Navigation block - Frontend interactivity › Submenus (Arrow setting) (@firefox:
1) [firefox] › editor/blocks/navigation-frontend-interactivity.spec.js:378:3 › Navigation block - Frontend interactivity › Submenus (Arrow setting) (@Firefox, @WebKit) › submenu click on the arrow interactions
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
TimeoutError: locator.waitFor: Timeout 60000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('.edit-site-canvas-loader, .edit-site-canvas-spinner') to be visible
at ../../../packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/admin/visit-site-editor.ts:57
55 | // Wait for the canvas loader to appear first, so that the locator that
56 | // waits for the hidden state doesn't resolve prematurely.
> 57 | await canvasLoader.waitFor( { state: 'visible', timeout: 60_000 } );
| ^
58 | await canvasLoader.waitFor( {
59 | state: 'hidden',
60 | // Bigger timeout is needed for larger entities, like the Large Post
at Admin.visitSiteEditor (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/packages/e2e-test-utils-playwright/src/admin/visit-site-editor.ts:57:22)
at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation-frontend-interactivity.spec.js:353:4
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HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration
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ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Playwright - 2
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Playwright - 4
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Playwright - 5
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Playwright - 1
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Playwright - 7
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Playwright - 8
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Merge Artifacts
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🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[chromium] › site-editor/site-editor-url-navigation.spec.js:23:2 › Site editor url navigation › Redirection after template creation
2 skipped
194 passed (6.2m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 skipped
184 passed (8.5m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[chromium] › editor/plugins/format-api.spec.js:43:2 › Using Format API › should show unknow formatting button
1 skipped
209 passed (9.4m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 skipped
195 passed (9.9m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[chromium] › site-editor/dataviews-list-layout-keyboard.spec.js:96:2 › Dataviews List Layout › Navigates the items list via UP/DOWN arrow keys
1 skipped
199 passed (10.1m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[chromium] › editor/blocks/image.spec.js:941:4 › Image - lightbox › should respect theme.json settings and block overrides › Theme.json settings - allow editing FALSE, enabled FALSE › Block settings - link DISABLED, lightbox ENABLED - should show UI while block override is active, but hide UI if override is removed
206 passed (10.9m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 skipped
205 passed (10.5m)
Produced during runtime
Name | Size | |
9.27 MB |
6.25 KB |