Enhancement - Allow ISC license in the License check.
Enhancement - Added check for use of settings with sanitization callback.
Enhancement - Added --ignore-codes in CLI to introduce a mechanism to ignore specific error codes.
Enhancement - New utils for fetching necessary version info details.
Enhancement - Added check for unsupported plugin name in plugin header field.
Enhancement - Segregate the severity of i18n checks. Make sure that is giving errors in the right context.
Enhancement - Provide more detailed information about checks when the README does not include a tested version or a list of contributors.
Enhancement - Added rules from WPCS to prevent issues with content being sent before headers and warn about the use of Call-time pass-by-reference.
Enhancement - Give more context in the error of check wrong named files.
Enhancement - Simplified PHPUnit setup. Now it does not depend of running inside a WordPress installation.
Enhancement - Added new check for restricted contributors.
Fix - Delete transients in unit tests to avoid false positives.
Fix - Incorrect Tested up to version comparison will make error for two major versions up.
Fix - Excluded the use of functions file_get_contents and file_put_contents in the check to prevent false positives.
Fix - Duplicated error message in the check for wrong named files.
Fix - Use of Json encode wasn't firing the error message.
Fix - Change error type of NonEnqueuedImage in ImageFunctions sniff from ERROR to WARNING.
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