Data access (download, search, upload) for EWoC processors based mainly on s3 buckets. Optionaly EOdag for search and download can be used.
Currently you can acess EO data from the following sources:
Data Provider | Sentinel-2 L1C | Sentinel-2 L2A | Landsat 8 C2 L2 | Sentinel-1 GRD |
AWS buckets | Yes 1 | Yes 1, 2 | Yes 1 | Yes 1 |
Creodias DIAS bucket 4 | Yes | Partially 3 | No | Yes |
Creodias Finder 5 | Yes | Partially 3 | No | Yes |
Currently you can acess DEM data from the following sources:
Data Provider | SRTM 1s | SRTM 3s | COP DEM 1s | COP DEM 3s |
EWoC private bucket | Partially | Yes | No | No |
AWS buckets | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Creodias DIAS bucket 4 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
ESA website | Yes | No | No | No |
1 Access payed by requester.
2 L2A cogs are available.
3 Rolling archive of 1 year.
4 Creodias bucket can be acessible only from creodias network
5 Through EODAG
You can list the data from the EWoC ARD and Aux data private buckets by scanning the bucket from a specific prefix.
You can upload data to the EWoC private buckets: ARD or PRD.
- Retrieve the package
- Create a venv
pip install /path/to/ewoc_dag.archive
To manage access to the different data provider or buckets you need to set some credentials:
Data Provider or buckets | Credentials |
EWoC private bucket on CreoDias | Set env variables: EWOC_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID and EWOC_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY |
Creodias DIAS bucket | N/A but access possible only from creodias cluster |
AWS buckets (public or private) | Set env variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY 6 |
ESA website | N/A but access not useable for production |
EODAG | cf. EODAG documentation |
6 Other methods are described here
It is possible to control some other points through environment variables:
is the env variable which indicates where the processing system is deployed:aws
are currently supported. This env variable is used to define the default provider of the processing system for Sentinel-2, Copernicus DEM and Sentinel-1 data. The idea is to use the buckets of the cloud provider.EWOC_COPDEM_SOURCE
is the env variable which indicates which provider is used as default to retrieve Copernicus DEM data:aws
is the env variable which indicates which provider is used as default to retrieve Sentinel-1 data:aws
is the env variable which indicates which provider is used as default to retrieve Sentinel-2 data:aws
is the env variable which indicates which EODAG provider you want to use to retrieve data with EODAG.EWOC_DEV_MODE
is the env variable which indicates to use the EWoC dev buckets (ARD or PRD) to upload data
Two cli are provided:
- the first one
provided the EO data needed by the EWoC processors based by their product ID. - the second one
provided the dem data needed by the EWoC processors based on the S2 tile ID.
If you want to acess to EO data from other python code you can use directly the get functions in the python module. For example:
from ewoc_dag.landsat8 import get_l8c2l2_product
❕ Don't forget to set crendentials associated to the provider used.
If you want to upload data to the EWoC buckets:
from pathlib import Path
from ewoc_dag.bucker.ewoc import EWOCARDBucket
ewoc_ard_bucket = EWOCARDBucket(ewoc_dev_mode=True)
❕ Don't forget to set EWoC bucket credentials
If you want to list the content of the some part of the ARD bucket and save as a satio collection:
from ewoc_dag.bucket.ewoc import EWOCARDBucket
ewoc_ard_bucket = EWOCARDBucket(ewoc_dev_mode=True)
ewoc_ard_bucket.sar_to_satio_csv("31TCJ", "0000_0_09112021223005")
ewoc_ard_bucket.optical_to_satio_csv("31TCJ", "0000_0_09112021223005")
ewoc_ard_bucket.tir_to_satio_csv("31TCJ", "0000_0_09112021223005")
or to list the AgERA5 data
from ewoc_dag.bucket.ewoc import EWOCAuxDataBucket
ewoc_auxdata_bucket = EWOCAuxDataBucket()
❕ Don't forget to set EWoC bucket credentials