Releases: XOOPS/xfilecheck
Checksum verification for XOOPS v2.5.11
This script allows you to check that the XOOPS system files have been correctly uploaded to your server. It reads all the XOOPS files and reports missing or invalid ones.
Download this release to verify a XoopsCore25 release v2.5.11 system
- From the Assets section, choose the .zip or .tar.gz source code archive as appropriate to your system
- Upload the checksum.php script and checksum.md5 from the downloaded archive file to your XOOPS documents root
- Access http://(yourxoopssite)/checksum.php using your browser
- Correct any issues reported by re-uploading missing or invalid files
- you should remove checksum.php and checksum.md5 after you have verified the files
Asset Checksums
b3eb0c2e619c2225d5f7f9dd2610e41d0457b76dec4897a84d7521a20d6501fa xfilecheck-2.5.11.tar.gz
99c2b5a79d96d9ea91ec306830bb065c xfilecheck-2.5.11.tar.gz
Checksum verification for XOOPS v2.5.10
This script allows you to check that the XOOPS system files have been correctly uploaded to your server. It reads all the XOOPS files and reports missing or invalid ones.
Download this release to verify a XoopsCore25 release v2.5.10 system
- From the Assets section, choose the .zip or .tar.gz source code archive as appropriate to your system
- Upload the checksum.php script and checksum.md5 from the downloaded archive file to your XOOPS documents root
- Access http://(yourxoopssite)/checksum.php using your browser
- Correct any issues reported by re-uploading missing or invalid files
- you should remove checksum.php and checksum.md5 after you have verified the files
Asset Checksums
cbe21685c5017edec8a1406bd4bbf3f3dce23268e0fcc4cdfb9da95ae11457a8 xfilecheck-2.5.10.tar.gz
89bc7473496413aa253acdece3b90508 xfilecheck-2.5.10.tar.gz
Checksum verification for XOOPS v2.5.9
This script allows you to check that the XOOPS system files have been correctly uploaded to your server. It reads all the XOOPS files and reports missing or invalid ones.
Download this release to verify a XoopsCore25 release v2.5.9 system
- From the Assets section, choose the .zip or .tar.gz source code archive as appropriate to your system
- Upload the checksum.php script and checksum.md5 from the downloaded archive file to your XOOPS documents root
- Access http://(yourxoopssite)/checksum.php using your browser
- Correct any issues reported by re-uploading missing or invalid files
- you should remove checksum.php and checksum.md5 after you have verified the files
Checksum verification for XOOPS v2.5.8.1
This script allows you to check that the XOOPS system files have been correctly uploaded. It reads all the XOOPS files and reports missing or invalid ones.
Invocation from command line:
- php checksum.php --root=/path/to/XoopsCore25/htdocs
Or, from browser:
or follow the legacy method instructions:
- Upload the checksum.php script and checksum.md5 file to your XOOPS documents root
- Access checksum.php using a browser
Correct any issues reported by re-uploading missing or invalid files