This is the repo for my works about app usage modeling
Data is avaliable
Project for next app predction can be found in Tong Xia, Jie Feng, Hui Pan, and Yong Li. DeepApp: Predicting personalized smartphone app usage via context-aware multi-task learning. In submission to The World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2020.
Project for regional socio-economic levels prediction can be found in Yi Ren, Tong Xia, Yong Li, and Xiang Chen. Predicting socio-economic levels of urban regions via offline and online indicators. PloS one, 2019.
Project for app usage representation learning can be found in Yue Yu*, Tong Xia*, and Yong Li. Semantic-aware spatio-temporal app usage representation via graph convolutional network. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp), 2020 (Major Review).