In-Game Waiting Status Color for PayDay 2 game :)
This mod is simply changing the status color when a player that's in the Preplanning phase/Loading. For example, you can change READY status, NOT READY status, Joining status and Loading status from the white color to ANY COLOR you wanted.
- Download the file from Here/GitHub, Modworkshop or Paydaymods
- Extract the file using a program, for example, WinRAR, 7-Zip etc.
- Move the folder's name "InGameWaitingStatusColor" to \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods
- Enjoy :)
A. You can change the color yourself using a menu in-game option. By going to OPTIONS > MOD OPTIONS > INGAME WAITING STATUS COLOR After that. You have 2 choices
- If you are lazy. You can use "RESET" button to use default colors and default texts
- Type any texts and any Hex Color to satisfy yourself xD
B. Or you can change it directly by going to PAYDAY 2\mods\saves click IGWSC.txt and you can change the color manually.
- Takku my friend who helped me developed this mod to be in the better state.
- Dribbleondo who helped us by fixing some typo and suggesting great ideas to improve this mod.
- FR0Z3 for Chinese translation.
- zadirak'a zeis? for Russian translation.