- Fixed: Distribution to headless clients did not work at all anymore
- Fixed: Currator status was gone after respawn
- Fixed: Jail didn't work anymore ("Respawn" button disabled as long as a player is in jail to avoid further issues)
- Fixed: Rollback fn_moduleCAS_guidedmissile.sqf to 4.69 to resolve problems with bomb drop skipping in a loop, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: When creating an ambush group do not spawn an accompanying overwatch group, too many groups, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Do not create static, guard, patrol groups when preemptive event is running, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Some INDFOR groups did not have sniper, AT capabilities (RWR, ION, ION Arctic), by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Disabled Dom menu UAV for DLCs withoutg UAVs (like SPE)