Domination 4.66
- Added: SPE GER and USA Normandy versions
- Added: New entry d_excludemag_gen in CfgVehicles.cpp to remove magazines from all planes and not plane specific
- Added: Pre-emptive event with some garrisoned guerrillas, new events server setting for "guerrilla and defense only", by longtimegamer
- Added: Project RACS and SLA support, by Schalldampfer
- Added: New param d_sm_mt_protectionAI (Side mission/main target protection from friendly AI CAS missiles and bombs (call CAS) in lobby, default off). Adds side mission and/or main target protection for player call CAS AI
- Added: When a main target is done the top 10 players scores reached during that time are now shown
- Added: Cam rose to spectating dialog
- Added: Points get subtracted for killing animals (dogs -10, goats/sheep -5, hens/cocks -3, snakes -1)
- Added: New vehicles from the S.O.G. Prairie Fire 1.3 update (including missing weapons from previous updates)
- Added: Guerrilla faction configurable by server admin (Community Factions Project, Asian Factions for CUP), by longtimegamer
- Added: Phronk's Furniture, by longtimegamer
- Changed: AI Advanced - enhanced awareness is now enabled by default, range 650m (param d_ai_awareness_rad, you have to change it in the database manually if you already use one)
- Changed: GBU24 bombs (FIR) are removed from pylon loadout (too overpowered)
- Changed: If the admin ends a main target enemy main target AI will be also be deleted
- Changed: Status bar now also shows if enemy vehicle MHQ is destroyed
- Changed: Server/Client FPS and system time ui adjustments
- Changed: Check pylon magazine name for "cluster" bomb type if d_pylon_noclust is enabled
- Changed: Barracks now also working when d_ai_awareness_rad, d_snp_aware, d_ai_pursue_rad and /or d_ai_aggressiveshoot is enabled
- Changed: Show dist traveled in kilometer not meter
- Changed Civs move away when weapon is raised nearby, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Side mission protection disabled for convoy side missions
- Fixed: Side mission protection for deliver side missions is now at the delivery point and not the start point
- Fixed: Airdrop sometimes didn't drop ammo, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Airdrop vehicle sometimes did not fly away after drop was completed, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Additional recruit sign could fall over
- Fixed: It could happen that a player had damage when he was moved out of jail back to base
- Fixed: High numbers were shown in scientific notation in the top 10 player dialog
- Fixed: Prisoner side mission sometimes ended with a script error