Domination 4.67
- Changed: Prefer to spawn civilians in safe buildings (church, chapel, mosque, hospital etc), by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Launchers like Titan Compact or RHS Javelin didn't lock (never use player disableAI "CHECKVISIBLE")
- Fixed: The Western Sahara Sefrouramal version was missing in the 7zip file
- Fixed: Main target order "Complete, ordered" and "Order like placed in the editor" didn't mwork at all anymore
- Fixed: Preemptive event cleanup not working when persistent corpses is enabled, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Admin may use end maintarget function when a preemptive event is running, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: If guerrilla events are enabled there is a 50/50 chance for a preemptive (defense) event, by longtimegamer