Releases: Xeno69/Domination
Releases · Xeno69/Domination
Domination 4.17
- Added: If there are markers at base which start with "d_base_tank" or "d_base_apc" friendly tanks or APCs will be added (no driver, just AI commander and AI gunner)
- Fixed: Camps were not immediately set to indestructable after creation
- Fixed: When engineer full was enabled repair and refuel ability was also restored when the player was revived or respawned at a MHQ/Farp/squad leader
- Fixed: At player connect, time for resetting revive lives (15 minutes if a player leaves a server and reconnects) and side switching in the TT version (30 minutes) was not correctly resetted on the server
- Fixed: CUP Winter Chernarus was missing CfgWorlds mapSize field resulting in markers not drawn and wrong bounds for vehicle respawn check (vehicles simply respawned because they were out of bounds)
- Fixed: Engineer spawned FARPs did not use the new txxxservice format resulting in script errors
- Fixed: If a unit classname array had four or less unit classnames it resulted in an array select script error
- Fixed: Independent sniper classname variable was defined as d_sniper_I instead of d_sniper_G which prevented making a normal One Team version against an independent enemy
Domination 4.16
- Added: New parameter d_pylon_noclust, set it to one and cluster bombs should be there again (if not exlucded otherwise; "Remove cluster ammo from pylon loadout" in the server lobby params)
- Added: Status Bar by Babayka (includes Score too -> Score resource on top removed)
- Added: Launcher Cooldown can now also be changed in Params ("Launcher Cooldown Time in seconds", d_launcher_cooldownp in description.ext)
- Changed: Added even more score messages to the new UI score message system
- Changed: Remove weapon backpacks from loaded Virtual Arsenal save files
- Changed: Remove all weapon bagpacks from Virtual Arsenal (it's still the d_no_mortar_ar param which enables/disables it)
- Changed: You can now easily add an additional MHQ by adding a variable name that starts with "d_mhq_add_" to the vehicle. Same for additional lift: "d_lift_add_", additonal wreck lifter "d_wreck_add_" and additional transporter: "d_trans_add_"
- Fixed: A destroyed MHQ vehicle was still displayed as deployed and not destroyed on the map
- Fixed: Launcher cooldown did not work for 3rd party Addon/Mod launchers
- Fixed: Sometimes a launcher mag was not readded when launcher cooldown deleted the missile projectile
- Fixed: The crew of alive enemy AI vehicles at seized/resolved main targets did not get deleted at the same as the vehicles
- Updated: Russian translation by Babayka
Domination 4.15
- Fixed: Player did not get extra points for helping solving the sidemission (score was added on the client not on the server; available in ranked mode and when SQL database is available)
- Changed: All cluster/subammo type magazines removed from mission pylon loadout dialog (including 3rd party mods). Causes much too much lag!!!
- Changed: Added more score messages to the new UI score message system
- Fixed: Global Mobilization versions both had two accidentally placed blufor units
- Fixed: Global Mobilization player artillery had no crew at all so artillery called by players did not fire
- Fixed: Sniper teams were missing from all 3rd party mods/dlcs (d_sniper_x); Vanilla units got spawned instead of the correct mod/dlc ones
- Added: Chinese translation by 小新
- Updated: Russian translation
Domination 4.14
- Fixed: Stupid bug which prevented the creation of the last main target when select targets was activated; this also rendered removing auf db autosave rows; game breaker because the mission did not end at all :/
- Fixed: Points were not added to player score when a player destroyed a barracks building or a mobile HQ at main targets (if SQL database available)
- Changed: Add score to players who revive other players too if database is found and revive lives are infinite
- Changed: Show player message for changing sides in the TT version after intro is over
Domination 4.12
- Changed: Don't show score resource when the main map is open
- Changed: Added d_launcher_cooldown; when a player fires a guided launcher like a Titan then he has too wait a specific time in seconds defined in d_launcher_cooldown (default 120 seconds, can be changed in dom_settings too; 0 to disable)
- Fixed: UAV servicing at service points did not work at all, game breaker :(
- Fixed: Some more minor issues and problems
Domination 4.11
- Changed: Increased dynamic "Group" simulation from 1000m to 1400m
- Fixed: Mine sidemission 104 was spawning enemy AI far far away (marker moved by accident)
- Changed: Reduced number of spawned enemy AI units slightly, seems 1.96 has some performance issues
- Fixed: Really stupid script error in revive
- Fixed: Script error in air AI script
- Fixed: d_ranked_a array was not available on the server (in case a server is not using a SQL database table)
- Fixed: Air vehicles para dropping or unloading AI over the main target got deleted way too early
- Fixed: Really stupid error which did not delete AI groups of destroyed vehicles, game breaker
- Fixed: Island patrol groups were spawning too much crew
Domination 4.10
ATTENTION: ALL mission.sqm files have changed!!!!!!
ATTENTION: You need to replace the domination-custom.ini file in your @extDB3\sql_custom folder with the new one!!!!!!!!
- Fixed: The key for turning on Domination Usermenu (TeamSwitch key) was displayed as number and not as key in the intro
- Changed: Support for copilot (means a copilot is now able to also lift vehicles, drop ammo boxes, etc; should work in flight after a switch too)
- Optimized: Using toLowerANSI/toUpperANSI where possible
- Added: Parameter to allow players more target selections across the map, discrete parameters for each of the three garrison behaviors (by longtimegamer)
- Fixed: Removed occupy buildings troop level parameter, replaced with three parameters for garrison behaviors (by longtimegamer)
- Optimized: Repwreck, including constant check for a wreck object, now only starts on the server when a player is nearby and ends when the player is gone (or the wreck is repaired)
- Changed: Disabled AI Radioprotocol
- Changed: Show score on the main display in the ranked version or when a SQL database is running
- Optimized: (Capture)CampDialog FSM now only runs if a player is near a Camp and not constantly
- Changed: Service triggers are now only created on clients, editor placed ones removed, by lelik
- Optimized: Entity killed eventhandler, now only uses one object space variable instead of 17 different ones (saves 17 getVariable calls)
- Changed: Replaced Land_Factory_Main_F with Land_IndustrialShed_01_F in "find IED factory" main target mission
- Changed: Display "Stall" in the camp capture progress dialog if there is a stall between players and enemies at a camp
- Changed: Artillery projectiles on the way will now be deleted if an arty operator cancels an artillery strike
- Fixed: If a player connects as leader of an existing group he/she should no longer change the assigned task of other players
- Changed: 50/50 chance that airborne groups (main tower) now do not paradrop but the aircraft lands and they get out of the aircraft normally
- Fixed: SM position in convoy sidemissions in ranked and DB mode did not get updated when the original leader of the group got killed
- Changed: Force convoy sidemission vehicles to stay on road
- Fixed: Who fired variable was still using missionnamespace variable instead of net ID of player object
- Fixed: Script error when loading saved mission from SQL DB (ATTENTION: YOU NEED TO REPLACE domination-custom.ini)
- Fixed: Vehicles placed on the carrier in the Carrier version did not spawn and respawn correctly
- Fixed: One allmen group had no units in the Sahrani version (CUP_O_SLA_InfantrySquad_Desert)
- Changed: If player ammobox at base gets destroyed delete it and create a new one so that the Inventory action shows up again
- And various other improvements and optimizations
Domination 4.06
ATTENTION: Livonia/Enoch, Chernarus, Chernarus Winter, RHS Altis and normal Malden mission sqm files have changed
- Fixed: Normal Malden version was using the Malden NBV version mission.sqm file
- Fixed: After the last RHS update some editor placed vehicles spawned half in the ground
- Fixed: Editor placed CUP CH-53 always sank into the ground in the Chernarus and Chernarus Winter versions
- Fixed: Names for players in vehicles were not drawn on the map
- Fixed: Wreck repair service building was spawned in the chopper repair area in the Livonia/Enoch version
- Fixed: Wreck repair point was completely missing in the Livonia/Enoch version
- Fixed: Enemy attack UAVs at main targets did not spawn (vehicle number was always zero)
- Fixed: Livonia/Enoch version was missing Zeus module
Domination 4.05
- Changed: If d_without_nvg or d_without_vec_ti all optics and headgear which use either NVG or TI will be removed once arsenal or inventory closes (d_without_vec_ti also still turns off vehicle TI)
- Added: Checkbox in StatusDialog to enable/disable automatic viewdistance change at main targets
- Fixed: Enemy vehicle HQ could spawn under the ground
- Fixed: One playable group in the Altis Blufor version was somehow moved outside the map and thus players spawned in the water
- Lots of optimizations
Domination 4.04
- Changed: Better handling for enemy near MHQ trigger (no more format)
- Changed: Rewrote camp and barracks creation code
- Changed: Camp capture FSMs have now exactly the same code as in 3.99s
- Changed: Removed disableRemoteSensors again
- Changed: Switched waitUntil {sleep xxx;..} to while loops
- Added: New param "With 3D draw icon above wreck repair/ammo point:" (d_with_3Dicon), default is on (1)
- Fixed: While remote AI units on a headless client trigger a EntityKilled eventhandler on a server immediately, the alive status of the killed unit is not updated right away, this broke respawn AI groups when they were transfered to headless clients