Releases: Xeno69/Domination
Releases · Xeno69/Domination
Domination 4.51
- Fixed: Players could end up at the roof of the hangar in the SOG version when spawning at base... NOW REALLY FIXED!!!1!11!!!
- Fixed: Chat could not be opened when a player was dead or unconscious
- Fixed: Show text "Unlimited" in statusdialog/dashboard instead of -1 when player lives are not limited
- Fixed: SQL import of negative numbers converts them into 0 resulting in wrong CfgParams values
Domination 4.50
- Added: vn_arsenalShowMelee = 1 to description.ext so that SOG melee weapons show up in Virtual Arsenal (secondary/handgun slot)
- Added: Maintarget SOG civilians and cars, by longtimegamer
- Added: Scores awarded to players for completing maintarget events, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Short sound when taking a camp was not played on clients
- Fixed: Players could end up at the roof of the hangar in the SOG version when spawning at base
- Fixed: Dropped air ammobox didn't work in the SOG version
- Udpated: Simplified Chinese translation by SanJinSix
Domination 4.49
ADDED: S.O.G. Prairie Fire version
- Added: New "scud" side mission, destroy tactical ballistic missle and launcher (currently only for S.O.G. Prairie Fire)
- Added: New param d_disable_player_arty (Disable player artillery), set to Yes / 1 will remove marking and calling artillery for players
- Added: New param d_disable_player_cas (Disable player CAS), set to Yes / 1 will remove calling CAS for players
- Added: T15 and M1A2SEPv2 in the RHS versions
- Added: Maintarget event - defend unconscious pilot, by longtimegamer
- Added: Maintarget event - prisoner explosive vest defuse rescue, by longtimegamer
- Added: d_add_to_arsenal in fn_preinit.sqf too add weapons/items to Virtual Arsenal
- Added: Rescue event "kill the triggerman", by longtimegamer
- Changed: Added new mode "Block but not for missile launchers" to d_without_nvg and d_without_ti params
- Changed: Sway and fatigue now disabled by default, revive max lifes set to unlimited
- Changed: Repair/refuel points checktime increased to two minutes because of engine startup times in the RHS versions
- Fixed: MHQ near ammo box check when placing a satchel was still reporting true even when the MHQ was gone
- Fixed: If gras at start and player can't change gras layer was activated no gras was shown
- Fixed: DeleteMarkerLocal was only allowed to be remotely executed on the server (which makes no sense)
- Fixed: Server localization instead of client localization was used for many markers created on the server
- Fixed: Use "CAN_COLLIDE" for vehicle creation of bonus vehicles to prevent them flying up in the air at creation if there is another vehicle at the same spot
- Fixed: Somehow initing special vehicles (handled like bonus vehicles from sidemissions) got lost
- Fixed: SAM side missions objects now always have radar on
- Fixed: Script error in admin dialog
- Fixed: It could happen that when base respawn was inside a hangar that players spawned on the roof
- Fixed: Teleporting and creating vehicles was not possible if the MHQ was a boat/ship
- Fixed: Some kbTell messages like Camp captured didn't show up anymore
- Fixed: Bipod check for RHS weapons was missing some bipods
- Fixed: Some groups gone missing in the RHS blufor allmen arrays
- Fixed: Hostage event now is an exact marker location instead of an area search, pilots in rescue event given longer time with no damage, marked-for-death event is now enabled, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Tanoa CfgIdentities were missing
- Fixed: Some client variables had to move from fn_preinit.sqf to initcommon.sqf because of not initialized variables in preinit (like air taxi)
- Updated: Russian translation by Babayka
- Udpated: Simplified Chinese translation by SanJinSix
- Many scripts optimized again
Domination 4.48
- Fixed: AI medic revive routine did not end when a player was already revived
- Fixed: When the main target was done it could happen that destroying a barracks building or AI vehicle MHQ at the old main target triggered variable change for the new main target
- Fixed: Putting players in jail was not working at all
- Fixed: Script error because of wrong blacklist area in jail script
- Improved: Destroying vehicles at base check
- Improved: Cleanup routines after main target (should no longer cause performance issues)
Domination 4.47
- Added: Teamkill forgive system (only available when mission revive and revive spectating is on)
- Added: Dynamic AI recruitment (1 player d_max_ai recruitable, more players less AI recruitable, over 20 players, no AI recruitment possible; d_with_ai values 3 and 4)
- Added: Players are now kicked back to the lobby if they destroy vehicles at base (no session ban, just kick back to slot selection)
- Added: Params d_with_airtaxi (With AI air taxi (coop version only)) and d_with_airdrop (With air drop) to enable and disable AI air taxi and AI air drop (both enabled by default)
- Added: In vanilla A3 versions you might have to climb a cargo tower first to blow up the main target radio tower
- Fixed: Unconscious state and dialog doesn't end if a player has to go to jail
- Fixed: Jail escape counter was increased every second instead of just once per jail time
- Fixed: Destroying a vehicle of the other player side caused a script error in the TT version
- Fixed: Laser target base check for opfor side was in blufor base area in the TT version
- Fixed: Side mission task did not disappear when a logged in admin ended a side mission via admin menu
- Fixed: Virtual Arsenal Save and Load buttons were disabled in the IFA3 version
- Updated: Global Mobilization Mod versions with 1.3 assets like Marder SPZ
Domination 4.46
- Added: Marked for death - player survival event at maintarget, by longtimegamer
- Added: Overwatch units are allowed to move when an enemy fires a weapon nearby, by longtimegamer
- Added: For vehicles added with d_add_vec_ there is now a new setVariable for init: this setVariable ["d_empty_dist", 1000], vec will respawn if empty and players are x meters away (example here 1000)
- Added: New param d_del_crew_always ("Kill ALL vehicle crew (even outside) when a vehicle gets destroyed" in lobby), deletes all crew which might have jumped out of a vehicle too if the vehicle gets destroyed
- Added: 1030 motor bikes to the Chernarus Winter version
- Fixed: AI did not occupy buildings in the TT version
- Fixed: Penalty for civilian kills by artillery or CAS, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: When ACE is used the dead crew of destroyed enemy AI vehicles doesn't get deleted
- Fixed: Pilot gear check did not work in Unsung version
- Fixed: Disabling only TI for inf weapons also disabled NV mode and vice versa
- Fixed: Removed pook vehicle class names in the Unsung version, they do not longer exist
- Fixed: Headgear didn't show up in ranked mode (now really fixed)
- Changed: d_ai_awareness_rad, d_snp_aware, d_ai_pursue_rad, d_ai_aggressiveshoot now also work in the TT version
- Removed: House patrol (d_house_patrol), was deactivated anyway and caused too much performance issues
- Removed: Rosche version
Domination 4.45
- Fixed: When ACE was used player names above head and markers were not shown
- Fixed: In the Unsung version UAV and Satellite buttons were available
- Fixed: It could happen that only one headgear item showed up in Virtual Arsenal when ranked mode was activated
- Fixed: MHQ dialog does not update button and listbox status (stays open now)
- Fixed: Markers of other players were not visible when ACE was used
- Fixed: ACE doesn't trigger the game engine entityKilled eventhandler for vehicles, therefore enemy AI vehicle respawn at main targets did not work
Domination 4.44
- Fixed: Marked artillery targets did not show in the Call Artillery dialog (accidentally removed the code which adds them to a listbox)
- Updated: Russian language by Babayka
Domination 4.43
ATTENION: Altis Blufor mission.sqm file has changed!
- Added: New FARP compositions by Babayka for Altis
- Added: New param d_ao_bfires/Big main target fires: in params lobby so you can disable the main target fires burning
- Fixed: Dead crew did not get deleted
- Fixed: Algorithm to check weapons when virtual arsenal was closed removed the RHS M4 Grip weapon (no grip is attached, the weapon gets completely replaced with another model)
- Fixed: Removed shadow from player names above player heads again, caused flickering
Domination 4.42
ATTENTION: SQL database table players has changed. Run DOM_DB_Changes_for_4_42.sql once (in Heidi or any other SQL tool) too update your SQL DB
Your_A3_server_folder@extDB3\sql_custom\domination-custom.ini has also changed. Please replace it with the version from the Domination 7z download
ATTENTION2: The following mission file(s) has/have changed: TT Malden, Altis Blufor
ATTENTION3: If you run DOM_DB_Changes_for_4_42.sql check also the DOM_DB_Changes_for_4_42_IMPORTANT.txt file!!!!
- Added: Full InterceptDB support (see )
- Added: Player suppression, can be disabled in params "Player can be suppressed" or d_with_suppress in description.ext
- Added: If d_with_mhq_camo is enabled it is now possible to deploy a mhq without camo net by selecting it with the "Deploy with camo net" checkbox
- Added: Utility functions created fixed or improved: isinhouse, getbuildings, isvisible, sortarraybydistance, makemgroup now respects units per group, added dry run to occupy house script, by longtimegamer
- Added: If a SQL database is available then player movement on foot, in land, air and maritime vehicles is added to the database (in meter)
- Added: If a SQL database is available then number of player headshots and number of rounds fired are added to the database
- Added: Main target illumination flares when it is dark (can be disabled in lobby "Illuminate main target:" or d_IllumMainTarget in description.ext)
- Added: Parameter to enable/disable static weapon defenses at maintarget, by longtimegamer
- Added: RADIOPROTOCOL for the player can be disabled in the Status Dialog (not sure yet if it really does what it should)
- Added: d_uids_def_choppers (also available in dom_settings table); if the array is filled with player UIDs (strings) only those players can fly the initial choppers at base
- Added: Parameter d_dis_servicep/Disable all service points, including FARPs (no refuel, no repair, no rearm)
- Added: Fires at main targets
- Added: Parameter d_playerspectateatbase (Player can spectate other players at base flag), default 0 or Yes
- Added: Parameter d_score_needed_to_fly (Flying choppers and planes only allowed when a player has a score higher than:), only available when a SQL database is running, kicks player out of planes and choppers if score is too low (default 1000)
- Added: Parameter d_without_ti (Disable Thermal Imaging (TI) for inf weapons/optics)
- Changed: CAS with very short cooldown (90 secs) if artillery is set to unlimited, by longtimegamer
- Changed: Added visibility check for player and AI names over the head, means, players see the names above head if the unit is visible and not all the time
- Changed: Maintarget prisoner event now has a suicide bomb if the rescue is botched, by longtimegamer
- Changed: Enemy AI vehicle island patrols are back
- Changed: You can now disable ACE medical system and use the internal mission Revive when ACE is running (d_ACEMedicalR in description.ext, "Disable ACE medical revive (if ACE is used) and use mission revive" in lobby, finally in, somehow got lost before)
- Changed: SAT View removed from MHQs in the TT version (enemy could spott opponent MHQ too easily)
- Changed: Removed the marker tiles at main targets in the TT version, back to solid filled circle again
- Changed: If ACE is used the mission pylon loadout dialog is disabled and you have to use the ACE pylon dialog (razorclam wanted it so blame him for it :)
- Changed: Enemy mobile HQs are now spawned with snipers on the roof
- Changed: If d_MTTowerSatchelsOnly if set to 1 (disabled) then it there is no satchel check for main target radio tower, main target side mission, main target barracks and mobile MHQ
- Changed: Reduced radius of many addActions
- Changed: ToolKit and MineDetector are now always available, no matter which version is beeing played
- Changed: You may encounter divers at naval mines side missions now
- Changed: MHQs should now be added automatically to the list of vehicles which can load an ammo box at an ammo point
- Changed: Removed T-14 from RHS version (seems too be not ready yet)
- Changed: MHQ dialog no longer closes when Deploy or Load/Drop Ammobox button is pressed
- Fixed: If a player can escape jail with a mod like enhanced movement put him back again into the jail if he is too far away; if he does it 10 times then the player will be banned for the running session
- Fixed: Object compositions were placed half in the ground on CUP Winter Chernarus
- Fixed: Event triggers now have a defined height to prevent flyovers from triggering ground events, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: In ranked mode players with rank private ended up with just one uniform in Virtual Arsenal
- Fixed: incorrect logic in maintarget event selection, improved dashboard list and line breaks, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Camouflage script had the wrong stance in it, "STANCE" instead of "STAND"
- Fixed: ToolKit was missing in the unsung version in VA
- Fixed: Choppers exploded on the carrier in the carrier version (yet again)
- Fixed: Fog, overcast and date can be set again by Zeus
- Fixed: In the CUP Chernarus 2020 version Land_trafostanica_velka objects do not exist near Zelenogorsk which broke the side mission
- Fixed: TFAR radios are now no longer removed when another mod version like CUP is played
- Fixed: ACE medical items were not available in ranked mode
- Fixed: Line breaks were broken in hintChat function
- Fixed: Main target creation in the TT version was broken
- Fixed: In the TT version the 3D icon above dropped ammo boxes (drop called by squad leader) was also visible for the enemy
- Fixed: Friendly shooting at MHQ was displayed for the enemy side too instead of only for the side the MHQ belongs to
- Fixed: MHQs in the Malden TT version could not load ammo boxes at ammo points
- Fixed: Main target viewdistance reduction was based on camera position not on the player position
- Fixed: If the enemy AI vehicle or group type was not defined in the scripts which create the AI at side missions the scripts ended with a script error
- Fixed: There was a satchel check in the main target side mission eliminate local governour when d_MTTowerSatchelsOnly was enabled
- Fixed: Script error loading DB save files in the TT version (bonus vecs creation failed)
- Fixed: Adding additional respawn points with d_additional_respawn_points didn't work as described causing script errors
- Fixed: If a headless client was available side specops units were transfered to the HC causing problems with server eventhandlers
- Fixed: d_arsenal_mod_remove_strings didn't work anymore, no gear from the addons/mods defined in d_arsenal_mod_remove_strings as strings were removed
- Fixed: Service marker was not created in the Carrier version on the carrier
- Fixed: In ranked mode players can now pick up weapons lying around or from dead enemy AI (respawn at MHQ or base/FARP will bring back the weapon they had at mission start or the last Virtual Arsenal access)
- Fixed: LaserDesignator no longer gets removed in the RHS versions
- Fixed: The "You can teleport to..." message was shown when d_WithMHQTeleport was turned off
- Fixed: Pylon dialog stayed open when a player was killed
- Fixed: CUP Chernarus side mission 46 did not work on Winter Chernarus and autumn Chernarus
- Fixed: Don't spawn AI near Land_Canal_Wall_10m_F on Tanoa, AI spawns inside the walls
- Fixed: Thermal or NV optics of infantry weapons are no longer removed if d_without_nvg or d_without_ti is enabled but correctly blocked
- Improved: Make use of new A3 2.02 scripting commands where possible
- Improved: Use new import keyword to load UI configs from the game itself rather than copying them into description.ext
- Improved security: The following scripting commands can no longer be executed over the network when remoteexec mode is set to 1: setVariable, switchMove, setDir, hideObjectGlobal, endMission, setCaptive and addScore
- Updated: Russian translation by Babayka
- Updated: Simplified Chinese translation by XinLau1996
- Updated: Spanish translation by longtimegamer
- Updated: Malden TT mission file by Babayka
- Workaround: If an enemy AI vehicle is under water for whatever reasons it virtually can't be destroyed; the workaround adds more damage in that case
- Added slightly more debug output (possible with improved A3 logging)
- And more optimizations like for example eachframerun