This is a Python module to interact with Solarman (IGEN-Tech) v5 based solar inverter data loggers. Modbus RTU frames can be encapsulated in the proprietary Solarman v5 protocol and requests sent to the data logger on port tcp/8899.
This module aims to simplify the Solarman v5 protocol, exposing interfaces similar to that of the uModbus library.
Details of the Solarman v5 protocol have been based on the excellent work of Inverter-Data-Logger by XtheOne and others.
pysolarmanv5 documentation is available on Read the Docs.
The Solarman V5 protocol is documented here.
A user contributed list of supported devices is available here.
Please note that the Solis S3-WIFI-ST data logging stick is NOT supported.
See GH issue #8 for further information.
- pysolarmanv5 requires Python 3.8 or greater.
- pysolarmanv5 depends on uModbus.
To install the latest stable version of pysolarmanv5 from PyPi, run:
pip install pysolarmanv5
To install the latest development version from git, run:
pip install git+
Contributions welcome. Please raise any Issues / Pull Requests via Github.
pysolarmanv5 is licensed under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2022 Jonathan McCrohan