Yumei Qi, Xiaolong Li
Bacteris name(NCBI): n = 30
AP017922.1 CP013285.1 CP013286.1 CP013287.1 Lin4-99 Liv1-1 Lm2-20 Lw4-43 NC_003210.1 NC_013891.1 NZ_CP006861.1 NZ_CP006874.1 NZ_CP007169.1 NZ_CP007172.1 NZ_CP007194.1 NZ_CP007196.1 NZ_CP007461.1 NZ_CP008770.1 NZ_CP011102.1 NZ_CP013289.1 NZ_CP019165.1 NZ_CP045743.1 NZ_CP089090.1 NZ_CP103399.1 NZ_CP113980.1 NZ_CP122330.1 NZ_LR134483.1 NZ_LT906444.1 NZ_LT906478.1 PPPJ01000002.1
Run the following code when the 30 fasta sequences are downloaded:
cp [A-Z]* ./workDir
Linux analysis environment gtdbtk: need download data(78G)
conda create -n gtdbtk conda install -c bioconda gtdbtk
After downloading the 78G supplementary data, continue to configure the gtdbtk operating environment according to the requirements of gtdbtk
Run gtdbtk and iqtree
cd workDir genome_dir="fasta" out_dir="fasta_output" gtdbtk classify_wf \ --genome_dir ${genome_dir} \ --out_dir ${out_dir} \ --extension .fasta \ --cpus 50 \ --skip_ani_screen 1>gtdbtk_n30.log && \ echo ">------" >> gtdbtk_n30.log && \ iqtree \ -s ${out_dir}/align/gtdbtk.bac120.user_msa.fasta.gz \ -o AP017922.1 \ -m MFP \ -nt 50 \ -bb 1000 \ -redo \ -mredo 1>>gtdbtk_n30.log
Graph: iTol