v9.3 (2022-11-04)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Fixed an issue where the other chat tabs were not being shown and you couldn't click on them if hide tabs was enabled.
- Final touches to fix (Fixes #33) issue with the Chat Tabs not properly hiding.
Had to add additional checks to the ChatFrames as the recent changes to FCF has caused some slight problems with checking on Alpha levels. - Fixed an issue where the very BUGGY Edit Mode option introduced by Blizzard causing taints EVERYWHERE. Had to bypass it a bit. (Fixes #32)
Need to wait for Blizzard to get their code working properly before I can fix and address (Ticket #32). Right now this is a workaround.
Fixed an issue where the tabs were not properly being hidden. (Fixes #33)
Major code cleanup. Optimized code to prevent multiple loops when setting up the chat frame options.