is a fast syllable-parser for English-language strings. It implements a standard algorithm and runs in parallel, making it an efficient and reliable solution for text-processing. Parsy
accepts a string
and returns a map with the following values:
: an integer. The total number of syllables instring
: a list of lists. Each word instring
and its individual:syl_count
: a list of lists. Each complex word instring
and its individual:syl_count
. In English, a complex word is any word with three or more syllables. This value is often used to calculate readability scores.:complex_count
: an integer. The total number ofcomplex_words
If available in Hex, add parsy
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:parsy, "~> 0.1.4"}
Pass a string to Parsy.main()
. Here is an example:
iex> Parsy.main("let's parse some syllables!")
process #PID<0.228.0>: syllabifying "{#PID<0.231.0>, #Reference<0.1896839920.1939079179.3341>}"
Every time Parsy
spawns a new process, it will print the associated PID and reference number to the screen.
Once the computation completes, Parsy
returns a map:
complex: [["syllables", 3]],
complex_count: 1,
syl_count: 6,
words: [{"lets", 1}, {"parse", 1}, {"some", 1}, {"syllables", 3}]