Extract the email list from the mailbox - MBOX
What do you need to run the script? 1.A source mbox file - eg abc.mbox 2.python installed
How to use the script?
Step1: put abc.mbox into the same folder as the script
Step2: open the mbox_parser.py and change the line5 for message in mailbox.mbox('your_mbox_name') to for message in mailbox.mbox('abc.mbox')
Step3: Open the terminal at current folder and type: python mbox_parser.py
Step4: You will find a new csv file called clean_mail.csv under the same folder
Step5: Clean the csv fild as you want.
Step6: Select the column "from" and use the formular in the adjacent cell (D1)
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(B1,FIND (" ",B1&" ",FIND("@",B1))-1)," ", REPT(" ",LEN(B1))),LEN(B1))).
Step7: Use replace in excel to replace the unnecessary character in the email
How To Quickly Extract Email Address From Text String?