A very simple ROS node with multiple LaserScan input and OccupancyGrid output.
Merging multiple scans reduces blind spots and reliably extracts free space.
There are some advanced ROS nodes, but this simple node was unexpectedly missing.
ROS Noetic
Clone this repository to your catkin workspace and build.
Sample of setup flow follows.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:YasunoriHirakawa/simple_localmap_creator.git
cd simple_localmap_creator
catkin build --this
- default topic name:
- default topic name:
- default frame id:
name | type | about |
hz | int | Roop rate of this node |
laser_names | array of string | Laser names used in topic names |
map_resolution | double | Meters per grid of the occupancy grid |
map_width | double | Map y-axis length (meters) |
map_height | double | Map x-axis length (meters) |
Sample launch file can be used as below.
roslaunch simple_localmap_creator localmap_creator.launch