The xAOD analysis framework, born out of ProofAna...or not.
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If you need to bump up the version of the AnalysisBase being used, please make sure you update the travis.yml file first.
Please try to keep changes to a minimum until after EPS, July 23rd 2015.
Current AB is Base,2.3.21
The 00-03-08 tag is for use with Base,2.3.18.
The 00-03-04 tag works well with Base,2.3.14, Base,2.3.15. After checking out the package please execute a helper script to get any additional packages needed. These packages are needed to temporarily solve issues that will be resolved in up coming releases. For the current release, please do:
python xAODAnaHelpers/scripts/ 2.3.14
python xAODAnaHelpers/scripts/ 2.3.15
It has been noticed that some of the latest derived xAODs have missing metadata info due to some bug in Derivation Framework. If you are incurring in a nasty crash at runtime, make sure you have set the name of the derivation property DerivationName property of BasicEventSelection. If that does not work then switched off the configuration flag
UseMetadata False
and try again.
Brian Tuan made a tutorial for those starting with xAOD analysis for the first time.
The following list are packages / analyses searches that depend on xAH. We thank them for their hard work and hope they continue to use us!
- ttH->multileptonic final state
- HTop - former HSG8 group
- dijet
- multijet
- hh->4b
- VBF + invisible
- g->tt susy multi-b-jet
- Jet/MET
- Jet Cleaning
- jet inputs to reconstruction
- Punch-through studies
- Multijet balance
- Standard Model inclusive jet cross section