This build is intended for developers working with creating apps, modules, themes and language packages for PHPfox.
We permit the usage of our developers build on a localhost web server without public access to the server.
For a commercial license, visit PHPfox.
- PHP >= 5.4
Access your web server via SSH and clone it from Git (if you do not have git, skip this step and just download the ZIP).
git clone .
Give write access to the following 2 folders.
chmod 0777 PF.Base/
chmod 0777 PF.Site/
Go into the directory...
cd PF.Base
then run
curl -sS | php
Now, that you have composer installed, install the products dependencies.
php composer.phar install
Once all the dependencies have been installed, open up your favorite web browser and fire up the web installer.
The first step will ask for your client details. As a techie, developing themes, apps or language packages you can assign enter "techie" (without quotes) for both the License ID and License Key
Next, you will need to enter your database details.
Once all the details have been entered correctly the install will setup the database tables and install all the required apps.
Your final step will be to setup your Admin account.
If you get a blank white screen after you install, you will need to enable debug mode. To do this create the file PF.Base/include/setting/dev.sett.php.
In that file add
define('PHPFOX_DEBUG', true);
Refresh and see what errors come up.
Feel free to report any issues you find here.