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YnotZer0 edited this page Dec 26, 2016 · 2 revisions

Multi-dimensional magical world.

So what is all that about then?

Well, a simple description would be something like:

Imagine one world view overlaid over the world you are currently viewing. The "other" world is slightly opaque/transparent There will be "thin" areas where you can interact / influence objects/items/things between the worlds via API calls (let's call them magic spells). Potentially, there will be an infinite amount of worlds to interact with, but you can only integrate between 2 at once. Worlds will be very similar, the closer they are, but the further away they are the more different they can be. For instance: 1 2 3 4 5 1->2 will have very close similarities once you step between 2->3, then 3->4, the 4->5 worlds can be vastly different. Think of #1 world having cars driving on roads and #5 having flying cars, that sort of thing.

Future: Users can build their own world overlay and integrate with other worlds in novel and interesting ways


We shall use the Unreal engine to create the UI. This will call out to C++ code that will do the actual grunt work.

I could have used the Unity engine and C#, but....y'know....

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