- Build a Medium Like Blog website where users can publish and update the blogs
- TypeScript
- React for Frontend
- React Router Dom
- Axios
- Tailwind CSS for UI
- Hono as Backend Development
- Cloudflare for Deployment (Serverless)
- Postgres as Database
- Prisma as ORM // Prisma accelerator for connection pooling
- Zod for Input Validation
- JWT fro authentication
- Context API
l. let's User to Sign in / Sign up 2. let User to create blog / save blog as draft 3. let publish the drafted blog or update the published blog 4. let user to delete the blog 5. user can see all their blogs whether they are publshed or not
- A Better UI
- Redux for state Management
- Better Way to show confirmation / error mesaages --> done
- Like comment and other things will add soon
- A better Text Editor and Pictures to Upload soon --> under progress