TempAR - Vita Edition Pre-Release v2.5
Added 4 more Memory Dump slots. Adding more Memory Dumps increases accuracy (at least it should! Testing needed!). Addresses Are now "upgraded" in color as more and more Memory Dumps are used. They now have 6 colors that they can be:
- Black - Probably not a pointer (Appears in 1 memory dump)
- Green - Low Accuracy (Appears in 2 memory dumps)
- Blue - Medium Accuracy (Appears in 3 dumps)
- Purple - High Accuracy (4 dumps)
- Red - Extreme Accuracy (5 dumps)
- Orange - Very high likelihood that this is the pointer you need (This pointer appears in all 6 dumps.)
By using more dumps, you will see more colored addresses and less black ones. This means if you are using 3+ memory dumps, you may find that you can ignore the green results, as there are more accurate pointers you could try instead.
- Added 4 more Memory dump boxes to allow for more accurate searching.
- Added new colors to the pointer list based on accuracy: Black, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange.
- Added an "Instructions" box that displays instructions about the code type you are making in the "VitaCheat" tab