Why? I'm trying to make sense of how and why we implemented Kafka KeyValue (KKV)
Demonstrate how we built a never-stale, update-pushing key-value cache on top of kafka
In order to follow this example with 0 modifications, you need a Kubernetes cluster set up according to https://github.com/y-stack/ystack#cluster-setup
- Kubernetes
- Microservices
- Pods
- Containers
- Kafka
- Kafka Streams
- Kafka Topic
- Topic Partition
- Keyed messages
- Topic Compaction
# Use our own namespace
kubectl --context ystack-k3s create namespace kkv-demo
# Set up services independently of deployments because we don't want them deleted during the development-loop
kubectl --context ystack-k3s -n kkv-demo create -f variant-dev/services.yaml
# Terimnal 1
skaffold --kube-context ystack-k3s dev -n kkv-demo
# Terminal 2
kubectl --context ystack-k3s -n kkv-demo port-forward svc/kafka-keyvalue-nodejs--sidecar-demo 8080
# Terminal 3
kubectl --context ystack-k3s -n kkv-demo get all
# Terminal 4
kubectl --context ystack-k3s -n kkv-demo get pods -w
# Terminal 5
kubectl --context ystack-k3s -n kkv-demo run --restart=Never -ti --image yolean/toil@sha256:82c8cc8d082f40753d2e409a670e1dc34455b0e2143adff285cc4102b1326d11 toil
# Produce a message
curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "id": "A", "color": "red" }' http://pixy/topics/sidecar-demo/messages?key=A
curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "id": "B", "color": "blue" }' http://pixy/topics/sidecar-demo/messages?key=B
# Different ways of consuming the message using our API
curl http://kafka-keyvalue-nodejs--sidecar-demo:8091/cache/v1/keys
curl http://kafka-keyvalue-nodejs--sidecar-demo:8091/cache/v1/values
curl http://kafka-keyvalue-nodejs--sidecar-demo:8091/cache/v1/raw/A
- Standard Kafka Consumer, because we need "seekToBeginning"
- The cache is (right now) a simple (Hash)Map <String, Byte[]>
- npm @yolean/kafka-keyvalue, open sourced at https://github.com/Yolean/kafka-keyvalue-nodejs
// API example
const cache = new KafkaKeyValue({
cacheHost: 'http://localhost:8091',
metrics: KafkaKeyValue.createMetrics(promClient.Counter, promClient.Gauge, promClient.Histogram),
pixyHost: 'http://pixy',
topicName: 'sidecar-demo'
await cache.onReady();
cache.onUpdate((key, value) => console.log(key, value));
const value = cache.get('A')
await cache.put('A', { id: 'A', color: 'green' });
- Horizontal scaling
- ...