Releases: YourJustice-Live/Glamdring
Releases · YourJustice-Live/Glamdring
Version 0.4
- All contracts moved to Mumbai Polygon Testnet. This move is due to the fact that Rinkeby Testnet will be deprecated soon. So let's start with a blank page.
- Judge can make a verdict or cancel a case only after 72 hours after his assignment.
- Affected soul, acted soul and judge can propose witness for case, who can then be added by the case creator.
- Case creator can add witness after creating a case.
- Only case creator and judge can set the stage "Awaiting Verdict".
- Added tabs for viewing cases you have created and cases where you are acted soul.
- Add a feature to mark laws as obsolete so that other persons can no longer create cases with them.
- Names of souls and laws now support Cyrillic characters.
- Removed unnecessary action name, description and icon.
- Removed feature to edit laws.
- Simplified form to create rules.
- Added page with team contacts.
- Fixed some text.
Version 0.3.5
- Now the user can receive email notifications for cases where he is one of the participants. To enable notifications, you need to go to the edit soul page.
- Added more user friendly forms to create actions and rules.
- Fixed a bug when it was not possible to remove the effect in the rule.
- Fixed some text.
Version 0.3.4
- Integrated new smart contracts (Excalibur v0.3) that bring new cool features. But this means that all the data created in the previous version has been deleted. So let's start with a blank page.
- Added a feature to create souls for other people.
- Added a feature to judge cases in any jurisdiction.
- A user can select jurisdiction when creating a case.
- When a user clicks "Downvote", a modal window opens with negative laws active.
- Improved some texts in the interface.
- Added a progress bar when the page takes a long time to load.
- Updated loading animation on startup.
- Jurisdiction manager tools are now only visible to admins.
- Simplified the form to create jurisdiction, "deleted metadata".
- Added "How it works" image when a user starts creating a case.
- Fixed a problem with wrong font.
- Fixed a problem where it was not possible to change the value of an effect in a rule.
- And some other minor fixes.
Version 0.3.3
- Jurisdiction judges are no longer added to a case as judges when a user creates a case.
- Jurisdiction judge will see case in the "Awaiting My Judging" page if it has stage "Case Awaiting Verdict".
- Jurisdiction judge can become a judge of a case by clicking the "Become a Judge" button on the case card.
- Case participants can add their own evidence to the case.
- Profiles have statistics of their positive and negative cases.
- Added buttons to copy address or link of any profile, jurisdiction, case.
- Profiles renamed to Souls. Thanks to Roy Toledo and Vitalik Buterin for this.
- Buttons "Add Reputation" have been renamed to "Upvote" and "Downvote".
- Profile cards support long names.
- When a user adds a post to a case, he sees only his case roles.
- Added a gray background when the user opens the menu.
- Jurisdictions are sorted by number of members.
- Case details are hidden behind the "Show Details" button.
- Case card has become more compact.
- Law rules on the jurisdiction page are hidden behind the "Rules" button.
- Law rules has become more compact.
- Removed the unnecessary "Create case" button from the top navigation.
- Replaced message for propose law edits with icon button.
- Fixed issue where menu items were not clickable.
Version 0.3.2
- Added a page with cases where the user can filter all cases and see the cases that are waiting for him to act.
- Added a red badge that the user do not miss cases that await him.
- On the jurisdiction page, you can now filter all jurisdictions and view your own jurisdictions.
- Added a list with profile's jurisdictions to the sidebar.
- Configured Google Captcha component for large screens.
- Truncated the long description of the jurisdiction on the jurisdictions page.
- Deleted link to main jurisdiction in header navigation.
- Temporarily increased the content container for desktop screens.
- Integrated PostHot, which will help developers to make dApp better.
Version 0.3.1
- Users can find the action they need using search when creating a case, instead of using a large list.
- The big table from laws manage page is divided into two small and user-friendly ones.
- Added the ability to select an action from the list when creating or editing a rule.
- Added the ability to create actions and rules without description.
- Minimized cards for cases and laws.
- Minimized reputation block on the profile page.
- Renamed "Rating" and "Score" to "Reputation".
- Renamed "Action / Subject" to "Action / Acted".
- Renamed case stages to more clear names.
- Added default jurisdiction and profile avatars.
- Added red "NOT" badge for negated rules.
- Disabled "Tool" field for actions.
- Fixed error when trying to join a jurisdiction after network change.
Version 0.3
- Users can create and edit their own jurisdictions.
- In new jurisdictions all functionality works except judging.
- Users can change the network without refreshing the entire dApp.
- Added a check that the user has a connected account and created a profile before opening some pages.
- Updated navigation items
- Fixed a bug where minting hanged on Metamask errors.
Version 0.2.2
- Cases awaiting user confirmation or judging is displayed on the user's profile page.
- Users now can filter jurisdiction cases by subjects, affected, judges, etc.
- Added icons for actions, that can be edited on the jurisdiction laws manage page.
- Improved appearance for case card and case page.
- Increased speed for loading laws in the jurisdiction page and when creating a case.
- Improved the appearance of the profile card for mobile devices.
- Increased quality of images and update texts for "How it works" page.
Version 0.2.1
- Added description and additional links to social networks for profiles.
- Added forms to propose and comment laws.
- Users now can change case stage from "Open" to "Verdict" using a special button on the case card without backend page.
- Backend page replaced with manager tools, which are located on the jurisdiction page.
- Improved appearance of profile page.
- Improved appearance of profile edit page.
- Improved appearance of jurisdiction page.
- Added name field to all feedback forms.
Version 0.2
- Integrated new contracts (Excalibur v0.2).
- New contracts do not contain profiles and cases that users created earlier.
- Profile reputation changes after case judge makes a verdict.
- In each jurisdiction, profile has a separate reputation.
- Added FAQ with page "How it works".
- Added a description for case evidence to help users understand what is required to attach. The evidence description can be defined on the backend page.
- Added a check that user has attached an evidence if it required by a rule.
- Fixed a bug where users could not leave the jurisdiction.