This project demonstrates a REST API for managing "teams" and "people in those teams" using Django Rest Framework. The API allows performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for "team" and "person" objects.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd TeamManager
Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # for Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
Install required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply migrations:
python migrate
Populate the database with initial data (optional):
python populate_data
Run the development server:
python runserver
Get a list of teams:
GET /teams/
Create a new team:
POST /teams/
Request body:
{ "name": "Team Name", "description": "Team Description" }
Get a team by ID:
GET /teams/{id}/
Update a team by ID:
PUT /teams/{id}/
Request body:
{ "name": "Updated Team Name", "description": "Updated Team Description" }
Delete a team by ID:
DELETE /teams/{id}/
Get members of a team:
GET /teams/{id}/members/
Add a member to a team:
POST /teams/{id}/add_member/
Request body:
{ "person_id": 1 }
Filter members by first_name or/and last_name:
GET /teams/{id}/filter_members/?first_name={first_name}&last_name={last_name}
Get a list of people:
GET /people/
Create a new person:
POST /people/
Request body:
{ "first_name": "First Name", "last_name": "Last Name", "email": "[email protected]", "team": 1 }
Get a person by ID:
GET /people/{id}/
Update a person by ID:
PUT /people/{id}/
Request body:
{ "first_name": "Updated First Name", "last_name": "Updated Last Name", "email": "[email protected]", "team": 2 }
Delete a person by ID:
DELETE /people/{id}/
Filter persons by first_name or/and last_name:
GET /people/filter_persons/?first_name={first_name}&last_name={last_name}