A free anime streaming restful API serving anime from Gogoanime
Explore the api Β»
Bug report
Feature request
Run the following command to clone the repository, and install the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/riimuru/gogoanime.git
cd gogoanime
npm install #or yarn install
start the server with the following command:
npm start #or yarn start
Now the server is running on http://localhost:3000
Docker image is available at Docker Hub.
run the following command to pull and run the docker image.
docker pull riimuru/gogoanime
docker run -p 3000:3000 riimuru/gogoanime
This will start the server on port 3000. You can access the server at http://localhost:3000/, And can change the port by changing the -p option to -p <port>:3000
You can add -d
flag to run the server in detached mode.
Host your own instance of the api on heroku using the button below.
Host your own instance of the api on render using the button below.
Host your own instance of the api on railway using the button below.
Below you'll find examples using Fetch API but you can use any other http library out there.
Parameter | Description |
type (int) |
(optional) by default the type is 1. type 1: japanese with subtitle. type 2: english dub with no subtitles. type 3: chinese with english subtitles. Example: GET /recent-release?type=2 |
page (int) |
type 1 page limit: [1-331]. type 2: [1-139]. type 3: [1-22]. |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"episodeId": "deep-insanity-the-lost-child-episode-9",
"animeTitle": "Deep Insanity: The Lost Child",
"episodeNum": "9",
"subOrDub": "SUB",
"animeImg": "https://cdnimg.xyz/cover/deep-insanity-the-lost-child.png",
"episodeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//deep-insanity-the-lost-child-episode-9"
Parameter | Description |
page (int) |
page limit: [1-504] |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "boruto-naruto-next-generations",
"animeTitle": "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/cover/boruto-naruto-next-generations.png",
"releasedDate": "2017",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/boruto-naruto-next-generations"
Parameter | Description |
keyw (string) |
anime title |
page (int) |
page limit may vary |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "naruto",
"animeTitle": "Naruto",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/naruto",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/images/anime/N/naruto.jpg",
"status": "Released: 2002"
Parameter | Description |
aph (string) |
(optional) by default the movie list is random. values are from [A-Z]. And 0 is Ascending order with page limit of [1-89]. |
page (int) |
page limit may vary |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "tenchi-muyou-manatsu-no-eve",
"animeTitle": "Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/cover/tenchi-muyou-manatsu-no-eve.png",
"releasedDate": "1997",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/tenchi-muyou-manatsu-no-eve"
Parameter | Description |
page (int) |
page limit [1-26]. -1 to fetch all the pages avaliable Warning: Waiting time will be much longer. |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "sekai-saikou-no-ansatsusha-isekai-kizoku-ni-tensei-suru",
"animeTitle": "Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru",
"animeImg": "https://cdnimg.xyz/cover/sekai-saikou-no-ansatsusha-isekai-kizoku-ni-tensei-suru.png",
"latestEp": "Episode 9",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/sekai-saikou-no-ansatsusha-isekai-kizoku-ni-tensei-suru",
"genres": ["Action", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Romance"]
Parameter | Description |
:genre (string) |
Genres are avaliable below |
page (int) |
The page limit varies by genre. |
Genres list
Genre |
action |
adventure |
cars |
comedy |
crime |
dementia |
demons |
drama |
dub |
ecchi |
family |
fantasy |
game |
gourmet |
harem |
historical |
horror |
josei |
kids |
magic |
martial-arts |
mecha |
military |
Mmusic |
mystery |
parody |
police |
psychological |
romance |
samurai |
school |
sci-fi |
seinen |
shoujo |
shoujo-ai |
shounen |
shounen-ai |
slice-of-Life |
space |
sports |
super-power |
supernatural |
suspense |
thriller |
vampire |
yaoi |
yuri |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "isekai-meikyuu-de-harem-wo",
"animeTitle": "Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/cover/isekai-meikyuu-de-harem-wo.png",
"releasedDate": "2022",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/isekai-meikyuu-de-harem-wo"
Parameter | Description |
:id (string) |
animeId can be found in every response body as can be seen in the above examples |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeTitle": "Naruto",
"type": "TV Series",
"releasedDate": "2002",
"status": "Completed",
"genres": ["Action", "Comedy", "Martial Arts", "Shounen", "Super Power"],
"otherNames": "γγ«γ",
"synopsis": "...",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/images/anime/N/naruto.jpg",
"episodesAvaliable": "220",
"episodesList": [
"episodeId": "naruto-episode-220",
"episodeNum": "220",
"episodeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//naruto-episode-220"
You might need the referer url to bypass 403 (Forbidden) HTTP code.
Parameter | Description |
:id (string) |
episodeId. To verify the id of each episode, look at the episodesList property in the example above. |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"headers": {
"Referer": "https://gogoplay.io/"
"data": [
"file": "https://vidstreamingcdn.com/cdn34/a96411258da4b8a75319906d0cc507f7/EP.18.v0.1644104042.360p.mp4?mac=7GmeilE5nn5L7xGZqxt4YNTnzQ53eEazGha0ZBD15WU%3D&vip=&expiry=1644122389382",
"label": "360 P",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://vidstreamingcdn.com/cdn34/a96411258da4b8a75319906d0cc507f7/EP.18.v0.1644104042.480p.mp4?mac=JBKmkO3IViHhGVSsXLekTDjhGICtfkmvXPuW7wEPGuw%3D&vip=&expiry=1644122389440",
"label": "480 P",
"type": "mp4"
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"headers": {
"Referer": "https://sbplay2.xyz/e/84ob4f649y3j"
"data": [
"file": "https://delivery412.akamai-cdn-content.com/hls2/01/02251/84ob4f649y3j_,n,h,.urlset/master.m3u8?t=W6w3DBAuEd6Xc3cYAQiEy5rYqeqY84IBs1XeDkhdYxQ&s=1652035632&e=21600&f=11258098&srv=sto066"
"backup": "https://delivery412.akamai-cdn-content.com/hls2/01/02251/84ob4f649y3j_,n,h,.urlset/master.m3u8?t=W6w3DBAuEd6Xc3cYAQiEy5rYqeqY84IBs1XeDkhdYxQ&s=1652035632&e=21600&f=11258098&srv=sto066"
Note: This is not available for all anime(s), so you might need to use another provider instead. VIDCDN and StreamSB are the most reliable
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"headers": {
"Referer": "https://fembed-hd.com/v/nd27xs2gjrpjle8"
"data": [
"file": "https://fvs.io/redirector?token=aHp4NVZDV3FZcStXQlFsOFNFQ3VvQWhRNXlpVlFUNlNaZWFOTTVpb0FWZ3FKMEtRL25qTXQ1UCtqNi9DRENJTXA1dWFVSUJrRkNQMnVnd1FQcXBrYXR4T2F6U2ZZdXIrNkx2bEh5TjBjZEZmd3JQandURzJrMTIyQitjR3dyYTJYYkI4OXZXRVlqd2QwbkFhVVdLYzdHdkZJV2RYMHNTYjpua3lLQ2lrSGw4dXFob0I0WmtoYkxBPT01iA4",
"label": "480p",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://fvs.io/redirector?token=Tkc1dHYvcTI5bFFwekcyZjVoWXRsa2VSd1lwOEVtMGNXbStMdUxWWWZNcHJaK3FvazhQMWhKelFmTWNMZEZlQVhLbGt1d3dTMXZiNkQ5WEdjdlhaSEE5dFVyR2diQkgvcjhxcVdkb2haa3B2a2NZNDQ3eW9RZyttU0REVW1kbXMwdDhLQ0RkSFovellYcmxjZHdyVm54NkJtTm5ZRmlncjp0ODdVNG01dDVyeFZMKzBjZ2N6WWVnPT0eCGY",
"label": "720p",
"type": "mp4"
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((links) => console.log(links));
Output >>
"headers": {
"Referer": "https://goload.pro/"
"sources": [
"quality": "360p",
"link": "https://cdn32.anicache.net/user1342/eb0fc5c2a93ecb60b19b4d5802b578b3/EP.9.v0.1654358471.360p.mp4?token=EVLs0upbYa_U4gWKhjpMXQ&expires=1654561056&id=187373"
"quality": "480p",
"link": "https://cdn32.anicache.net/user1342/eb0fc5c2a93ecb60b19b4d5802b578b3/EP.9.v0.1654358471.480p.mp4?token=Zp7sVEbb-JOYFBMEtJ_AzA&expires=1654561056&id=187373"
"quality": "720p",
"link": "https://cdn32.anicache.net/user1342/eb0fc5c2a93ecb60b19b4d5802b578b3/EP.9.v0.1654358471.720p.mp4?token=vyq9wSLYVq_u8sWtLd7vkA&expires=1654561056&id=187373"
"quality": "1080p",
"link": "https://cdn32.anicache.net/user1342/eb0fc5c2a93ecb60b19b4d5802b578b3/EP.9.v0.1654358471.1080p.mp4?token=2JKC_e7s5qc7fh1Yso94jA&expires=1654561056&id=187373"
you can use the headers.referer to bypass the 403 error and download the file. Or you can use the download route to download the file.
Make sure to add downloadLink
header to the headers, which should contain the link received from the response above.
fetch("https://gogoanime.consumet.stream/download", {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"downloadLink": "https://cdn34.anicache.net/user1342/eb0fc5c2a93ecb60b19b4d5802b578b3/EP.9.v0.1654358471.360p.mp4?token=-Dgjd_aQz6aIQKwY7hZyLQ&expires=1654562557&id=187373",
Then it will start downloading the file.
Parameter | Description |
:episodeId |
episodeId. To verify the id of each episode, look at the episodesList property in the example above. |
page (optional) |
page number. Default is 0. |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((thread) => console.log(thread));
Output >>
"threadId": "9201260224",
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"comments": [
"editableUntil": "2022-06-11T15:50:14",
"dislikes": 0,
"thread": "9201260224",
"numReports": 0,
"likes": 75,
"message": "<p>Like brother, like sister I guess. Neither of them could handle the kiss, but Yuri was the one to suffer for it. Poor guy looked like he needed a trip to the ER, lol</p>",
"id": "5878499824", // comment id
"createdAt": "2022-06-04T15:50:14",
"author": {
"username": "Judgment526",
"about": "",
"name": "Judgment526",
"disable3rdPartyTrackers": false,
"isPowerContributor": false,
"joinedAt": "2016-03-01T19:52:06",
"profileUrl": "https://disqus.com/by/Judgment526/",
"url": "https://myanimelist.net/profile/Judgment526",
"location": "",
"isPrivate": false,
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"isApproved": true,
"isNewUserNeedsApproval": false,
"isDeleted": false,
"isFlagged": false,
"raw_message": "Like brother, like sister I guess. Neither of them could handle the kiss, but Yuri was the one to suffer for it. Poor guy looked like he needed a trip to the ER, lol",
"isAtFlagLimit": false,
"canVote": false,
"forum": "gogoanimetv",
"depth": 0, // comment depth. 0 means top level comment (root)
"points": 75,
"moderationLabels": [],
"isEdited": false,
"sb": false
The id
, parent
and depth
keys on the comments list can be used to determine the comment structure in your app.
- Fork the repository
- Clone your fork to your local machine using the following command (make sure to change
to your GitHub username):
git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/gogoanime.git
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
(e.g.git checkout -b my-new-branch
) - Make your changes.
- Stage the changes:
git add .
- Commit the changes:
git commit -m "My commit message"
- Push the changes to GitHub:
git push origin <new-branch-name>
(e.g.git push origin my-new-branch
) - Open a pull request.
Projects using this api or smaller parts of it:
Animeflix - A streaming service made with NextJs and TailwindCSS. It lets you search, watch animes without any ads with a beautiful ui. It can be self hosted or deployed online.
miru - A cross platform anime streaming app made using flutter.
AnimeEZ - A Website Made using html and express as its server for streaming anime without any ads.
Gogoanime Clone - PHP clone of GogoAnime Website (No Video Ads) | Anime Website
Anikatsu - Free Anime Streaming Website Made with PHP and Gogoanime API. No Video ads (zoro.to clone)
For other projects that are using this api or smaller parts of it, please reach out to me at my discord rem#1723 or join the discord server or make a pull request to add it to the list.
I have made a new api and a nodejs library (called consumet) for developers to use in their projects. This new api/library is able to support any piracy site that is for anime, manga, books, light novels, movie/tvshows, comics, and even personal meta providers like mapping anilist -> gogoanime -> kitsu, or tmbd -> movie-database.
Light Novels
Movie/TV Shows
Personal Meta Providers
- Anilist - Mapping anilist -> (piracy anime source) -> kitsu (for episode images, and description)
- Rest API Documentation, Rest API Repository
- NodeJS Package Documentation: where most of the development is happening.
Join the discord server for support and help.
Your feedback and suggestions are very welcome. Please open an issue or join the discord server. This project will still be maintained.