This is a rust async interface based on xsk_rs.
The target of it is to provide high level interface to use xdp socket in async and simple way.
The basic design of it is to provide XdpContext
for user. XdpContext
allow user to use interface like fn send
or async fn receive
. These request will send to the background thread and they will do the exact job using xsk_rs and send the result back to XdpContext.
It include serval component to do this:
FrameManager trait to manage the frame alloc and free.
async_xdp provide a slab manger for this. But it allow user to custom their own frame manager.
Runner trait for a background thread to pull the xdp frame.
async_xdp provide a simple SingleThreadRunner to create thread for each xdp socket. But it allow user to custom their own frame runner.
For runable example, see examples/
// 1. Create relate config like xsk_rs
let umem_config = UmemConfig::builder()
let socket_config = SocketConfig::builder()
let (umem, frames) = Umem::new(umem_config, (4096 * 16).try_into().unwrap(), false).unwrap();
// 2. Create the frame manager
let manager_config = SlabManagerConfig::new(4096);
let frame_manager = SlabManager::new(manager_config, frames).unwrap();
// 3. Create the runner
let runner = SingleThreadRunner::new();
// 4. Build the context
let mut dev1_context_builder = XdpContextBuilder::new(dev1, 0);
.with_exist_umem(umem.clone(), frame_manager.clone());
let dev1_context =;
// 5. Get the receive and send handle from context and use them happily!
let mut dev1_receive = dev1_context.receive_handle().unwrap();
let dev1_send = dev1_context.send_handle();
This project is still WIP, I have use it in my own project for now but it still lack of lots of thing todo:
- doc
- test
- ci
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